
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
please delete http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18507 it is a duplicate.
compo for http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18219 is actually combined 64k/4k.
added on the 2005-08-15 08:56:32 by skrebbel skrebbel
The group Dope has a webpage. Couldn't find anywhere to submit the link.
added on the 2005-08-15 23:58:41 by ManJIT ManJIT
A click on [editgroup] was the easiest solution (for me, HA HA!). :)
Scene of life ( http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18329 ) is a production of Inapt and Static.
added on the 2005-08-16 20:41:16 by Blind Blind
please write a handler for those really annoying long words in the oneliner that breaks the look of the page.
added on the 2005-08-17 19:12:25 by gloom gloom
Jazz Soldier (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18577) is not a musicdisk, but a music compo entry only.
I guess it doesn't match any kind of stuff...
added on the 2005-08-17 22:07:32 by Luca/FIRE Luca/FIRE
I'll ask ps to give me some more rights so I'll be able to delete your ugly demos err dupes.
The intro Origami (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18347) has been updated into a final version and ported to FreeBSD, MacOS/X and Windows. Thus changing the address of the archive would be nice.
New package found at: http://remora.dyndns.org/fhi/data/origami_dev.tar.bz2
Or if you rather add apckages without the sources: http://remora.dyndns.org/fhi/data/origami.tar.bz2

Also, if you could add a web link into "Juippi, Trilkk and Warma", this could be close enough: http://remora.dyndns.org/fhi/products.php
added on the 2005-08-19 12:55:34 by Trilkk Trilkk
the platform shuould be BB Image Wild aswell, not only type
added on the 2005-08-19 19:27:24 by apricot apricot
Ok, did some changes using matti's login. Harr harr!
kisses, MM

btw: our dancing session at the voz-gig was pretty cool. :)
added on the 2005-08-20 01:33:18 by melw melw
And it didn't really look like melwyn has more rights than me. Strange interface. ;)
Screenshot and link are broken.
added on the 2005-08-20 12:22:30 by sim sim
please change "source" link to "video" link here :
(link is a video file of that demo, not source code)

and add into mirrors this url :

added on the 2005-08-21 13:41:46 by raist raist
Please delete :
Fullscreen Diagonal Distorter - Ventura Demo Screen by Pulsion for which Pilgrim submit the whole Ventura Demo

and plasma scroller - ntm demo screen for which he also submit the complete ntm megademo
added on the 2005-08-21 19:18:32 by p01 p01
Wrongly added duplicate. Please lobstercize.
added on the 2005-08-22 14:58:54 by Preacher Preacher
please fix buenzli partypage and kill all those lamers
added on the 2005-08-22 18:27:48 by rmeht rmeht
I just want to point out that, in the BBS Disclaimer message, "missplaced outcast scene legend" is correctly spelled as "missplaced outcasst sscene legend". Thank you.
added on the 2005-08-22 21:09:37 by Ger Ger
repeat with me:
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
now translate the rant above into a perfect zscene slang and feel astonished for your own eliteness.
added on the 2005-08-22 23:44:00 by rmeht rmeht
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18661 is not a 64k, but 3rd in the demo competition.
added on the 2005-08-23 11:57:52 by unlock unlock
rmeht: this thread isnt meant for trolling, but rather notifying gloperators of certain DB errors... ktnxbye
added on the 2005-08-23 12:42:48 by el mal el mal
maali: don't feed me then :)
added on the 2005-08-23 12:49:02 by rmeht rmeht
Unlock: Buenzli 2005 is now fixed and clean and beautifull. :)
ps: dupes are in poi's post and here: 1, 2
In http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18677 the CSDB id- number should be 20063

added on the 2005-08-23 16:19:05 by scoutski scoutski
ps: Please add "4k procedural graphics" to the competitions or (what I'd prefer) delete the 4 added prods from Buenzli.
