fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
please delete it is a duplicate.
compo for is actually combined 64k/4k.
A click on [editgroup] was the easiest solution (for me, HA HA!). :)
Scene of life ( ) is a production of Inapt and Static.
please write a handler for those really annoying long words in the oneliner that breaks the look of the page.
Jazz Soldier ( is not a musicdisk, but a music compo entry only.
I guess it doesn't match any kind of stuff...
I guess it doesn't match any kind of stuff...
I'll ask ps to give me some more rights so I'll be able to delete your ugly demos err dupes.
The intro Origami ( has been updated into a final version and ported to FreeBSD, MacOS/X and Windows. Thus changing the address of the archive would be nice.
New package found at:
Or if you rather add apckages without the sources:
Also, if you could add a web link into "Juippi, Trilkk and Warma", this could be close enough:
New package found at:
Or if you rather add apckages without the sources:
Also, if you could add a web link into "Juippi, Trilkk and Warma", this could be close enough:
Ok, did some changes using matti's login. Harr harr!
kisses, MM
btw: our dancing session at the voz-gig was pretty cool. :)
kisses, MM
btw: our dancing session at the voz-gig was pretty cool. :)
And it didn't really look like melwyn has more rights than me. Strange interface. ;)
Screenshot and link are broken.
Screenshot and link are broken.
please change "source" link to "video" link here :
(link is a video file of that demo, not source code)
and add into mirrors this url :
(link is a video file of that demo, not source code)
and add into mirrors this url :
Please delete :
Fullscreen Diagonal Distorter - Ventura Demo Screen by Pulsion for which Pilgrim submit the whole Ventura Demo
and plasma scroller - ntm demo screen for which he also submit the complete ntm megademo
Fullscreen Diagonal Distorter - Ventura Demo Screen by Pulsion for which Pilgrim submit the whole Ventura Demo
and plasma scroller - ntm demo screen for which he also submit the complete ntm megademo
Wrongly added duplicate. Please lobstercize.
Wrongly added duplicate. Please lobstercize.
please fix buenzli partypage and kill all those lamers
I just want to point out that, in the BBS Disclaimer message, "missplaced outcast scene legend" is correctly spelled as "missplaced outcasst sscene legend". Thank you.
repeat with me:
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
now translate the rant above into a perfect zscene slang and feel astonished for your own eliteness.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
i am the only one and i am nothing else due to my destiny.
now translate the rant above into a perfect zscene slang and feel astonished for your own eliteness. is not a 64k, but 3rd in the demo competition.
rmeht: this thread isnt meant for trolling, but rather notifying gloperators of certain DB errors... ktnxbye
maali: don't feed me then :)
In the CSDB id- number should be 20063
ps: Please add "4k procedural graphics" to the competitions or (what I'd prefer) delete the 4 added prods from Buenzli.
ps: Please add "4k procedural graphics" to the competitions or (what I'd prefer) delete the 4 added prods from Buenzli.