
Renoise users: please list your painpoints, workflow issues, missing features, small improvements etc that you'd like to have in Renoise?

category: music [glöplog]
The best thing about Renoise, from my point of view, is that I love it for that:
A “keyboard” at hand - with more than one octave.
Ableton, Cubase, Logic, call it what you will, don't have that.
It's annoying - I don't always want to use a midi keyboard.
And that makes me keep digging up Renoise every now and then.
If the Renoise programmers could make something like this cross-platform
like their redux plugin. e.g. as a max4live device - i would buy it without hesitation. which is also true for renoise: i still have 2 update “version numbers” for free before the next paid upgrade comes. so fair, such an awesome still underrated tool.
Ableton has keyboard available, for one octave at least, then one can shift it up/down. I've done tunes with laptop using this method. Not to hijack the thread...
added on the 2024-10-01 20:03:10 by leGend leGend
@leGend but you know it's not the same thing as having two octaves available to you.

i've always wondered why ableton, logic etc decided to go the route of "oh you have a keyboard? here's one octave for you, you're welcome", when every single tracker provides qwerty octave and zxcvb octave.
added on the 2024-10-02 18:49:09 by distance distance
Some1NamedNate: that's not something that one can just script in.
added on the 2024-10-08 11:05:40 by distance distance
i've started writing a Paketti manual to better drive home the kinds of features that Paketti introduces.

also i'm still going through the 2002-2024 threads (all 7361 of them) from "Ideas and Suggestions", and have picked around 500 of them for making (some of them are duplicate requests across the 22 years they've been made in, and some i have already written into Paketti). after that it's time to extract stuff from "Beginners Questions" and then to "tool Discussions" to see when there's suggestions for ideas, and writing them in.

we're now at 3000 added shortcuts, hundreds of midimappings, and 30 dialogs. everytime i hit on an Ideas and Suggestions thread that i've already done on my own, it feels like validation. it's really nice.

I've also set up a Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/esaruoho
added on the 2024-10-30 16:39:31 by distance distance
Last night I bought redux from renoise.

and here is what I wrote a few days ago:
A real keyboard “keyboard” with more than one octave - like renoise
But also for other daw's. With redux it is possible ! To a degree.

also the „keep in scale“ feature is a blast. I will explore this heavily.

I didn't know all of that :)

had never understood redux before and overlooked it as a „beat slicer“
but There’s so much more to it.
I would like to thank you, distance, that with opening this thread you have
built in the last link that I was always been missing -> renoise feeling / Renoise
Tracker workflow in ableton. maybe I'll go back completely to tracking.

Thank you very much ! I hope I can show something musical here soon.
Best regards and thank you, Cosmic
hey, no worries. i've since this been focusing on trying to find arexx scripts for octamed and study them a bit and see if i can replicate them, or find ones that i don't already have.

the discord also gets a steady trickle of feature requests, and i also get private messages and people reaching out.

already got one patreon subscriber at http://patreon.com/esaruoho - maybe it'll scale up. fingers crossed!
added on the 2024-11-10 22:11:13 by distance distance
okay so here's a brand new feature:

this singular midi knob will add a GlobalGainer to each channel in the song.
then you tweak the same midi knob and it will change the Gain value of each GlobalGainer.
did you add more tracks? Tweak the same knob -> GlobalGainers will appear there and the Gain value will be modified.

So one knob to initialize the GlobalGainers, and the same knob for controlling Gain.

added on the 2024-11-14 09:27:49 by distance distance
did a 74 minute livestream of livetracking using Paketti methods:

added on the 2024-11-19 18:44:07 by distance distance
ok so nagz requested, around august, a method of expanding to triplets or shrinking to triplets.

i've now started the work of finishing up the "Note Spread" feature from OctaMED V4 into Paketti. any other OctaMED things people are looking for? or is anyone an OctaMED guru that they could walk me through the different features of v3 v4 v5 and v6 and highlight the real poweruser moves in it?
added on the 2024-12-14 13:40:08 by distance distance
