
Renoise users: please list your painpoints, workflow issues, missing features, small improvements etc that you'd like to have in Renoise?

category: music [glöplog]
The best thing about Renoise, from my point of view, is that I love it for that:
A “keyboard” at hand - with more than one octave.
Ableton, Cubase, Logic, call it what you will, don't have that.
It's annoying - I don't always want to use a midi keyboard.
And that makes me keep digging up Renoise every now and then.
If the Renoise programmers could make something like this cross-platform
like their redux plugin. e.g. as a max4live device - i would buy it without hesitation. which is also true for renoise: i still have 2 update “version numbers” for free before the next paid upgrade comes. so fair, such an awesome still underrated tool.
Ableton has keyboard available, for one octave at least, then one can shift it up/down. I've done tunes with laptop using this method. Not to hijack the thread...
added on the 2024-10-01 20:03:10 by leGend leGend
@leGend but you know it's not the same thing as having two octaves available to you.

i've always wondered why ableton, logic etc decided to go the route of "oh you have a keyboard? here's one octave for you, you're welcome", when every single tracker provides qwerty octave and zxcvb octave.
added on the 2024-10-02 18:49:09 by distance distance
Some1NamedNate: that's not something that one can just script in.
added on the 2024-10-08 11:05:40 by distance distance
