Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]


good old neon tokyo
Scary glow-rantula!

p01: mixing effect layer opacity?
I once tried to test tunnel CPC.

I once tried to make wild demo with owl cats.

I once tried to blend a lot of dots.

mog: Just trying to make the best out of my "noise" function ( aka source code ) to generate different curves and generate a nice trip.
Not so much work in progress but still there is always work to do. Oculus rift compatible.

This is where I'm at. Old scribble, and I keep starting from scratch every year. Just started again. Everyone can scribble.. must follow through and finish.

The best way to get a release done is by finishing it.
@Codarki : stick to stuff you actually use (aka. need).
Ah, the ubiquitous sin of over-featuring.. :)
Current work in progress for my forthcoming OCS 512k Amiga demo. Still only around 10% complete

my first compute shader...

igor: well done, the scene needs to push more compute shader power!

The next iteration should be 0 bytes then - might be tricky :)
~/demo> ls -l
total 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 pulkomandy root 0 2015-02-17 17:08 CALL NOW!!!
~/demo> echo *
Does that count? It is also a single file :)