The best "portable platform"
category: general [glöplog]
In your humble opinion what is the best portable platform? That is, a plaftform that can be seen in various types of systems (pc, linux, mac...)?
Java? Flash? Videos?
Java? Flash? Videos?
Videos shouldn't count, but...
OpenGL + glfw
Or of course, SDL \o/
most platforms have a c64-emulator ;) so...

Planet Hively runs in so many places because it is pure SDL. No GL, or SDL_Mixer etc.
SDL+GL if you want 3D acceleration.
SDL+SDL_Mixer+GL if you want 3D and music :)
As proteque said, C64 or Spectrum work pretty well as virtual machine targets since there are emulators for them almost everywhere :)
SDL+GL if you want 3D acceleration.
SDL+SDL_Mixer+GL if you want 3D and music :)
As proteque said, C64 or Spectrum work pretty well as virtual machine targets since there are emulators for them almost everywhere :)
As proteque said, C64 or Spectrum work pretty well as virtual machine targets since there are emulators for them almost everywhere :)
If you go this far, I can say that Linux is the most portable one - since linux can run on anything!!11
Yeah, well, with C64 and Spectrum they always have the same processor everywhere, no need to recompile :)
M$ Basic
JAVA! (hide and run)
Game Boy Advance! Oh, wait... that's the OTHER kind of portable...
SDL of course! Look at this for example...
... Planet Hively is on more platforms than Chrysler ;-)
SDL would be great if it wasn't so crap; there are STILL problems with fullscreen opengl on some Linuxes. Same with glut.
its open source. so fix it :)
Under windows it works fine. I never used Linux seriously and maybe will never do any time soon :P
Ok, bite me now! :)
What küsma said, with his self-correction.
it's open source. so no one ever gonna fix it... at least not correctly...
opengl does not port well from nvidia to ati/amd, so i consider win32+directx more portable than sdl+gl, since it reaches a higher number of demo-capable computers.
has someone actually fixed the linux binary compatibility problem?
i mean, can you actually start a 3 years old demo on an up to date ubuntu without getting some obscure library version? i mean, without recompiling...
i mean, can you actually start a 3 years old demo on an up to date ubuntu without getting some obscure library version? i mean, without recompiling...
chaos: You got quite a point here but portability is not the measure of the percentage of machines capable of running something. It's the measure of number of diffrient platforms something can run on. I this case opengl/sdl is windows, linux, solaris etc and dx is windows, windows and err... ok linux as in wine. ;)
Isn't that only a concern when trying to run *very* old binaries? I mean that which are using libc5? has someone actually fixed the linux binary compatibility problem?
Linux distributions don't tend to keep old deprecated libraries hanging around like windows does, so most binaries will stop working after a while. This is a non-problem for open-source software ;)
chaos, static compilation? ;)