
3rd annual Intel Demo Competition

category: general [glöplog]
23:56 : Release candidate 2 of our demo! If nothing goes terrible wrong this is the version we will ship!

added on the 2008-06-25 23:57:17 by pantaloon pantaloon
release candidates?? you guys worked in the software industry too long
added on the 2008-06-26 09:07:30 by skrebbel skrebbel
Candidates? There are no candidates, only RELEASES! :)
added on the 2008-06-26 09:20:46 by gloom gloom
fairlight has gone gold.
added on the 2008-06-26 09:27:38 by Zest Zest
Already?! We're still somewhere at pre-alpha stage :(

Maybe 2 months really is too little for creating an engine and the content for a demo.. ;)
Oh well, yet another partyhack, only this time without the actual party.. :D
added on the 2008-06-26 11:12:13 by izard izard
Go Izard! Go Izard! Go Izard! MAKE HOLLAND PROUD!!!

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added on the 2008-06-26 11:16:11 by okkie okkie
izard: what you don't know is that all other teams have outsourced their content assets to china, india... and canada!
added on the 2008-06-26 11:26:41 by Zest Zest
Thnx okkie ;)

Outsourcing.. india.. tempting!
added on the 2008-06-26 11:29:55 by izard izard
bah! we did outsourcing for all our previous productions... Now we do it with interns: They are even cheaper and glad to do long hours.
added on the 2008-06-26 11:54:10 by pixtur pixtur
nice, do you succeed in hiring both efficient interns and good-looking ornamental ones ?
added on the 2008-06-26 12:24:26 by Zest Zest
okkie: thanks :) let's hope we'll do better than our soccer team :P
added on the 2008-06-26 12:37:37 by glow glow
comparing the intel compo and the euro 2008 is just pointless (well ... I hope )
added on the 2008-06-26 13:54:47 by nytrik nytrik
Fairlight have finished? Which day last week was the deadline?! :D
added on the 2008-06-26 14:21:33 by psonice psonice
finished? bloody hell.. we've only got 2/3 'done'...
added on the 2008-06-26 14:28:01 by uncle-x uncle-x
psonice: well, Smash was not involved, right? :)
added on the 2008-06-26 17:10:49 by Axel Axel

hey we are almost ready.
we think we ll be able to deliver on monday.
btw : we do we have to deliver ?
added on the 2008-06-27 08:24:10 by nytrik nytrik
I am looking forward to finish something by Monday. A wonderful excuse to miss girls, beach volleyball, parties, panorama bar, swimming at the lake...
Bah, who needs summer anyway.
added on the 2008-06-27 14:57:47 by pixtur pixtur
we do we have to deliver ?

I heard from xxx that we can mail him a downloadlink (for both the demo and a captured video of it).
added on the 2008-06-27 16:41:00 by glow glow
Pixture: no beach for you uh? Perhaps this motivates you than while finishing the demo :)

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added on the 2008-06-27 19:07:54 by magic magic
Majic: is you drink?
added on the 2008-06-28 00:24:27 by gloom gloom
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added on the 2008-06-28 12:58:21 by dixan dixan
Everybody gazing at the beach photo?
Or dazzled by Dixan's sherlock like qualities?
Or rushing to get everything done for monday? ;)
added on the 2008-06-29 00:18:56 by izard izard
well, admittedly most are germans on our beaches :D
added on the 2008-06-29 01:05:57 by el mal el mal
I am tired... Just one more day and I am a free man again!
added on the 2008-06-29 01:21:34 by pixtur pixtur
Hehe, i'd wish..

tomorrow the rush towards Evoke begins.. *snif*
added on the 2008-06-29 10:18:39 by izard izard
