3rd annual Intel Demo Competition
category: general [glöplog]
23:56 : Release candidate 2 of our demo! If nothing goes terrible wrong this is the version we will ship!
release candidates?? you guys worked in the software industry too long
Candidates? There are no candidates, only RELEASES! :)
fairlight has gone gold.
Already?! We're still somewhere at pre-alpha stage :(
Maybe 2 months really is too little for creating an engine and the content for a demo.. ;)
Oh well, yet another partyhack, only this time without the actual party.. :D
Maybe 2 months really is too little for creating an engine and the content for a demo.. ;)
Oh well, yet another partyhack, only this time without the actual party.. :D
Go Izard! Go Izard! Go Izard! MAKE HOLLAND PROUD!!!

izard: what you don't know is that all other teams have outsourced their content assets to china, india... and canada!
Thnx okkie ;)
Outsourcing.. india.. tempting!
Outsourcing.. india.. tempting!
bah! we did outsourcing for all our previous productions... Now we do it with interns: They are even cheaper and glad to do long hours.
nice, do you succeed in hiring both efficient interns and good-looking ornamental ones ?
okkie: thanks :) let's hope we'll do better than our soccer team :P
comparing the intel compo and the euro 2008 is just pointless (well ... I hope )
Fairlight have finished? Which day last week was the deadline?! :D
finished? bloody hell.. we've only got 2/3 'done'...
psonice: well, Smash was not involved, right? :)
hey we are almost ready.
we think we ll be able to deliver on monday.
btw : we do we have to deliver ?
I am looking forward to finish something by Monday. A wonderful excuse to miss girls, beach volleyball, parties, panorama bar, swimming at the lake...
Bah, who needs summer anyway.
Bah, who needs summer anyway.
we do we have to deliver ?
I heard from xxx that we can mail him a downloadlink (for both the demo and a captured video of it).
Pixture: no beach for you uh? Perhaps this motivates you than while finishing the demo :)

Majic: is you drink?

Everybody gazing at the beach photo?
Or dazzled by Dixan's sherlock like qualities?
Or rushing to get everything done for monday? ;)
Or dazzled by Dixan's sherlock like qualities?
Or rushing to get everything done for monday? ;)
well, admittedly most are germans on our beaches :D
I am tired... Just one more day and I am a free man again!
Hehe, i'd wish..
tomorrow the rush towards Evoke begins.. *snif*
tomorrow the rush towards Evoke begins.. *snif*