D-Zero by Desire [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1638 |
added on the 2021-04-04 01:51:10 by Heaven/TQA ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2021-04-04 01:52:29 by Xyl2k 

that was one slick and kick ass ride. Great demo !
That was an absolute banger ♥
Wow, so that was my question, is it SuperFx or not? Because some of the chunky pixel effects were pretty solid and smooth for this to just be 6502. Just wow! SNES ressurection is coming
Very nice. I liked the art style and colour palette.
v nice
Top stuff
Massive thumbs up. Very very good job :D
Massive thumbs up. Very very good job :D
Taking the SNES to yet another limit. Loved this one.
Nice job !
Good stuff!
Awesome demo! <3
Enjoyed this one. Congrats to the whole team for delivering a solid prod!
Nice demo guys.
good stuff :) lovely wolf3d engine in the end
Great stuff for SNES! :)
Great SNES demo! So happy to see it on one of fav platforms. Lovely anime character you have there :)
Bug (?) report though - the demo stuck on the flashing disco- thorus for couple of minutes, the main tune was looped. And then, the outro started out of the blue. Unmodified PAL SNES, Super Everdrive.
Bug (?) report though - the demo stuck on the flashing disco- thorus for couple of minutes, the main tune was looped. And then, the outro started out of the blue. Unmodified PAL SNES, Super Everdrive.
Great demo, lovely design!
FWIW I also have a Super Everdrive, I'll test it... later, as it needs some stuff set up etc. (capturecard and so on)thanks AceMan for the report... I checked the demo on real HW on my flashcart... PAL SNES... let me do again...
tested right away on my PAL SNES with everdrive clone and works like in Emulator and video capture?
will look into it.
for the platform and quality
960p emulator recording: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1zu3ch46wr86fel/
1440p YT: https://youtu.be/IVd_iNh522o
1440p YT: https://youtu.be/IVd_iNh522o
Nice one Heaven ! When is next one coming out ? :)
Super cool demo that kicks a lot of amiga prods very hard. Would love to see some technical writeup. Transition to Wolf could be smoother a bit;) anyway love it
Every SNES demo adding to the already-respectable track record of compo winners is a gift. Molive, Elix, perhaps Titan?—your turn!
With regards to the crappy SNES architecture, this demo is a plain success!
That's impressive stuff, i guess the only missing part is something using sprites in a funny way. Well done again!
That's impressive stuff, i guess the only missing part is something using sprites in a funny way. Well done again!
I don't remember the SNES ever doing that, great work!
so cool
+ 1
Tech demo.
Tech demo.
Good to finally see a SNES demo, let alone the one that won the compo!
I always have a crush for metaballs 😍
Well deserved 1st place
Well deserved 1st place
very good
SNES demo winning the compo!
excellent! especially love the 2d art, great work!
Congratulations! Great vibe and graphics. That animation overlayed tunnel was big fun!
awesome SNES demo! love it, best SNES demo around so far! <3
Highlight of this year's Revision party for me. Code p0rn.
Love the music, the graphics, the final raycaster and a lot of nice details in this fine demo.
Hahaha. Damn. That was good. Pulled out the Super Everdrive and ran it on HW + Trinitron. Great tune (as someone who's made a ton of SNES tracks, I really appreciate these tracks) and rad viz / gfx / fx. The bar has been raised, and I raise my drink to you all. Cheers!! <3
Heaven: for the register size, does "php; pla; and #$20/10" not work on SNES? It's been a while but I recall it worked on the 65816 of the SCPU. Or is it too slow for your case?
man this rocked! Absolutely best SNES demo ever!
Cool stuff!!
I have a lot of SNES dev gear to sell after seeing this!!!! Crazy good stuff!.. Congrats! Best ever!
Awesome demo! <3
... that in source code or debugger it’s not visible in a glance if you not keep track of SEP/REP…
no$sns emu/debugger switches register names and disassembly when hitting a SEP/REP
well done
More stuff on SNES!
I loved this soooo much! Growing up with the old stuff - it feels good to be reminded every now and then that the scene is still alive. And in this case - better than ever! Enjoyed both as a new prod and it gave me oldskool chills. Thank you <3
About time we got a prod that properly rivals the likes of Overdrive by TITAN!! Everyone involved with this demo absolutely killed it
Very nice! Well done guys!
Really nice work mates!
Incredible for a SNES without extra chips.
I guess this is very good technically, stylistically it's too cliched and doesn't rock as hard for my taste
A Lowlife designed demo! Great to have him back at this level!
Kudos for doing this demo on this platform.
Kudos for doing this demo on this platform.
A great prog indeed!
nice little demo :)
Love it! Late thumb
Totally missed this, since I missed the complete Rev. 2021. Very nice version of well know stuff on yet another 65xx hardware. Achievement unlocked :-)
This demo rocks. Loving the art style - Well done to all involved.
Unfortunately I'm seeing a similar bug to AceMan; the demo sticks on the flashing disco-thorus with the main tune looping. It doesn't seem to go further.
Also on unmodified PAL SNES, Super Everdrive (SD2SNES)
Unfortunately I'm seeing a similar bug to AceMan; the demo sticks on the flashing disco-thorus with the main tune looping. It doesn't seem to go further.
Also on unmodified PAL SNES, Super Everdrive (SD2SNES)
Do not remember this demo. Excellent one. Dig the gfx, dig the code.
0. Super FX was used? Cool for the 3D parts then =).
1. Really good gfx (full screens are gorgeous). Lacks (some) Desire logo during the demo, thou.
2. The code is impressive. Althou for the 3D vector parts. I understand that the heart is pink/red, but other figures could have had a different figure's palette. Why using the same (as it looks like)?
3. Lacks glenzzzz and a dot effect ;).
4. The main music, imo, is the weakest part... Does not fit the demo, I think. It is not a tune you gonna listen more then once.
5. The WOLF part-tune is cool, thou!
Congratulations dudes! Waiting for more from you for the SNES console.
0. Super FX was used? Cool for the 3D parts then =).
1. Really good gfx (full screens are gorgeous). Lacks (some) Desire logo during the demo, thou.
2. The code is impressive. Althou for the 3D vector parts. I understand that the heart is pink/red, but other figures could have had a different figure's palette. Why using the same (as it looks like)?
3. Lacks glenzzzz and a dot effect ;).
4. The main music, imo, is the weakest part... Does not fit the demo, I think. It is not a tune you gonna listen more then once.
5. The WOLF part-tune is cool, thou!
Congratulations dudes! Waiting for more from you for the SNES console.
Nice one !
Keep on doing good work :)
Keep on doing good work :)
Great SNES demo with awesome gfx!
Amazing spacesuit-boobs.
no SuperFX was used ;-)
thx for your comments. much appreciated.
No SuperFX? Really? Arff. You wrote that before already... I see it now.
So the 3D code is even more impressive! Congratulations.
I really am expecting something more form you on the SNES ;). But please remember:
1. Glenzzz,
2. Some dots effects,
3. 2 or 3 logos here and there,
4. More enjoyable main-theme ;),
5. Changing the palette would be nice if some multiple repetitive effects. Especially when you know SNES can do it.
All the bezzzzt. =)
Lovely! And nice soundtracks!
Great demo
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