miker information 1133 glöps

nfos added 59 glöps
- demo Atari 7800 Bad Apple by Playsoft
- intro Atari XL/XE Chilltro #2 by New Generation
- demo Atari 7800 Reksio SV2023SE invitro
- game Atari Lynx Xump 2 by Retroguru [web]
- game Atari Lynx Ynxa
- game Atari Lynx Growing Ties
- game Atari Lynx 4Ttude
- game Atari Lynx Sky Raider
- game Atari Lynx Assemboid Lynx by PriorArt
- game Atari Lynx Nutmeg by Retroguru [web]
- 16k Atari XL/XE Procrastinate by Atari Invasion
- game Atari XL/XE Flimbo's Quest by New Generation
- game Atari XL/XE Headache by Pirx & Zosia
- game Atari XL/XE Podskoczek
- game Atari XL/XE Vox Regis by anticSHOP
- game Atari XL/XE Hot&Cold Adventure by Agenda
- game Atari XL/XE Crazy Cat by Agenda
- game Atari XL/XE Time Pilot by New Generation
- game ZX Spectrum Necrospermia
- game Atari XL/XE Mini-Race by Sente Software Group [web]
- game Atari XL/XE Soccer Pong
- game Atari XL/XE Catch a Letter
- 256b Atari XL/XE SentenceGeneratorPL by Jakub Husak
- 256b Atari XL/XE Sinopia by anticSHOP
- 256b Atari XL/XE Music in 256 bytes or N0V0TFUUR by Miker
- 1k Atari XL/XE Drunk by g0blinish
- 1k Atari XL/XE Legacy of sin(e)s by Koala & Miker
- intro Atari XL/XE NYD 2k16 intro by Blowjobb
- demo Atari XL/XE Para-Bole by Tristesse [web]
- intro Atari XL/XE Fast Demo by Koala & Miker
- demo Atari XL/XE Sad Story in Eight Lines by Sikor Soft
- demo Atari XL/XE King isn't dead by Centy Brown And Friends
- game Wild Diabelska Pomylka
- game Atari XL/XE Bored a Bit by Sikor Soft
- game Atari XL/XE Blekitne Nimfy by Sikor Soft
- game Atari XL/XE Order It by Xeen
- game Atari XL/XE Tedecujace Starcie
- game Atari XL/XE Snakes of Atari Island by Joker & Paptak
- game Atari XL/XE Realistic Internet Simulator by Nosty
- game Atari XL/XE Gowno Spadajace w Dol by Koala
- intro Atari XL/XE Rolo 11 by Animkomials [web]
- intro Atari XL/XE Compo Filer 2
- intro Atari XL/XE Compo Filer 1
- demo Atari XL/XE Głuchołazy 2015 by Dr. Sid
- demo Atari XL/XE 100 lat na 10-lecie Glucholaz by Koala & Miker
- intro Atari XL/XE Happy New Year 2015 by Miker
- demo Atari XL/XE Forever or Never by Oxyron [web]
- 1k Atari XL/XE Toothed by Computer Platform Unlimited [web]
- 1k Atari XL/XE CI28 by Computer Platform Unlimited [web]
- demo Atari XL/XE Just For Dance by Computer Platform Unlimited [web]
account created on the 2007-08-04 23:23:37