Flame Warriors.
category: general [glöplog]
I have seen the page before but never managed to read all of the descriptions and decide to which flame warrior I belong.
To which flame warrior avatar do you think you belong?
Where do you think others here in Pouet belong? What about me? (I am too lazy to check but maybe I'll do soon :)
To which flame warrior avatar do you think you belong?
Where do you think others here in Pouet belong? What about me? (I am too lazy to check but maybe I'll do soon :)
fuck this needs a form and automatic calculation.

Maybe if there is an okcupid test about it..1
LOL. Ok I'll research on it if I ever can and decide which one fits to each of you :)
(un)Seriously enough, I once thought to make tests on okcupid about the scene. Not only how scene or pouet addicted is someone, but I had thought one great 4 variable test about what kind of Pouet troll is someone.
I think the 4 variables were: how serious your trolling is, how much life you have, how arrogant you are, how creative your trolling is.
I (my trolling) for example was serious, nolife, humble (but not always), boring.
Ep was maybe the similar variables except from creative (I found his huge texts with images creative, couldn't spend time on that :) and maybe quite more arrogant.
Shane my hero was funny (not serious), (life is still questioned), gentle, really fuckin creative!
Stefan for example was funny, (I don't know about life), arrogant, boring.
Just to see how the system works. Interesting. For example the first attribute, funny/serious doesn't mean it makes you laugh or not. It's how seriously the individual takes his own trolling. Shane/Stefan were having fun in a gentle/arrogant way. I was trolling because of serious problems with my self. My trolling was boring (predictable), "hello. My life sucks. I will post it again.". life/nolife is maybe not a variable of trolling but condition and usually the funny people might have a life, the serious trolling might so lack of it. Maybe I should remove it and think of a diferrent variable. "Thumbs down because Linux" (Stefan). Boring, easy, predictable. Those texts from Shane or even Ep, creative :)
Ok gotta stop now. I think of 4 variable pouet troll test and it's interesting. This way I can see how diferrent each trolling is on diferrent people and learn more about their personalities/life existance =)
Maybe I'll do it oneday.
(un)Seriously enough, I once thought to make tests on okcupid about the scene. Not only how scene or pouet addicted is someone, but I had thought one great 4 variable test about what kind of Pouet troll is someone.
I think the 4 variables were: how serious your trolling is, how much life you have, how arrogant you are, how creative your trolling is.
I (my trolling) for example was serious, nolife, humble (but not always), boring.
Ep was maybe the similar variables except from creative (I found his huge texts with images creative, couldn't spend time on that :) and maybe quite more arrogant.
Shane my hero was funny (not serious), (life is still questioned), gentle, really fuckin creative!
Stefan for example was funny, (I don't know about life), arrogant, boring.
Just to see how the system works. Interesting. For example the first attribute, funny/serious doesn't mean it makes you laugh or not. It's how seriously the individual takes his own trolling. Shane/Stefan were having fun in a gentle/arrogant way. I was trolling because of serious problems with my self. My trolling was boring (predictable), "hello. My life sucks. I will post it again.". life/nolife is maybe not a variable of trolling but condition and usually the funny people might have a life, the serious trolling might so lack of it. Maybe I should remove it and think of a diferrent variable. "Thumbs down because Linux" (Stefan). Boring, easy, predictable. Those texts from Shane or even Ep, creative :)
Ok gotta stop now. I think of 4 variable pouet troll test and it's interesting. This way I can see how diferrent each trolling is on diferrent people and learn more about their personalities/life existance =)
Maybe I'll do it oneday.
optimus, to tell the truth.
Instead of it, code a gp2x demo and get my prize away :).
Kelsey: It fits well :)
Mmm,. gp2x demo. I want to do something but time is too short :(
Mmm,. gp2x demo. I want to do something but time is too short :(
I'm all of those flame warriors combined into one single bone-smashing, brain crushing, gelatinous blob of pure terror.