ukscene pubmeet time
category: general [glöplog]
leia: no, i dont, i live about 1-1.5 hours away.. we just have the pubmeets in london cos its the most convenient place to get to for the most people :)
if you do make it over tho we'll work something out! =)
if you do make it over tho we'll work something out! =)
yay i'm in london now! i take it random aussies are allowed? :P
ill have to try and memorise what everyone looks like from slengpung as i havn't met any scene people here yet :) or maybe i'll just yell out HALLO? and see who answers...
ill have to try and memorise what everyone looks like from slengpung as i havn't met any scene people here yet :) or maybe i'll just yell out HALLO? and see who answers...
krunk day has arrived!
note to self: must charge digital camera battery :)
note to self: must charge digital camera battery :)
marvin: superb! =) see you there.
(we're very obvious.)
(we're very obvious.)
I'm leaving in about an hour. Shouldn't take too long on the M25. Or maybe not ?