Demo this screens!!!
category: general [glöplog]
Ignore the Wii part and look at the Plasma screens!
Ignore the Wii part and look at the Plasma screens!
Wii has a cool controller but the games look shit and the name Wii is the dumbest product name I've EVER heard!
Oh yeah cool plasmas.
Oh yeah cool plasmas.
Wii is the dumbest product name ever and deserves sole respect just for that.
[wii]Wii is the dumbest product name ever and deserves sole respect just for that.[/wii]
Since when a name made people not buy a good product?
Didesh: Playing is believing.
Since when a name made people not buy a good product?
Didesh: Playing is believing.
What were you expecting?
THAT was a dumb name.
where are the gamegirls ?
THAT was a dumb name.
where are the gamegirls ?
"PlayStation". What a dumb name. "Dreamcast". What a dumb name. "Xbox". What a damn fucking ugly and dumb name.
You will get used to it.
You will get used to it.
"Personal Computer" was pretty dumb too.
I still disklike Genesis because Mega Drive has so much more power!
And worst of all: Hugi. I didn't choose that name, but I had to get used to it.
If I were to start a new diskmag, I'd pick a well-sounding English word from my dictionary.
If I were to start a new diskmag, I'd pick a well-sounding English word from my dictionary.
Adok: Keep on topic! Can't you read? ;)
xernobyl: I think the free flow of associations is far more productive than the obsessive-compulsive sticking to lame topics.
the screens are made of LED.
the sauce is made of EGG.
The government is made of ÖVP.