<CENTER><B STYLE="font-size:99;color:ffffff">|</B><SCRIPT>q=0;t="POUËT.NET";for(i=0;i<9;document.write('<B ID="b'+i+'">'+t.charAt(i++)));function a(){for(i=0;i<9;eval('b'+i++).style.fontSize=Math.sin((q-i)/3)*20+40);q++;setTimeout("a()",40)}a()</SCRIPT>
category: general [glöplog]
Well done, you managed to make a 2ghz notebook look like it has the power of my atari 800
LOL, neat anim. Now fix everything you broke... :-)
I'll try by using some javascript
did i ever said i'm also a kiddo for scene but i'm not doing lame stuff like you do?
if no i'm saying...
if no i'm saying...
"i'm not doing lame stuff like you do"
You just brought it back on top of all the threads.
You just brought it back on top of all the threads.