Bill Gates leaves day-to-day role at Microsoft - What is your oppinion ?
category: general [glöplog]
My opinion involves a spellchecker, and you using it
he hasn't coded anything for 20 years anyway...
and bad tongues could say 30 years ;)
for Bill! Now the linux community will have to spend its support income on buying an african army to fight against BIll's charity organization. BECAUSE HE IS PURE EVIL.. If he is not the axis of evil, he is atleast parallell to it in some way. Can anyone define the vector arithmetics to deal with the axis of evil? Is it perpendicular to the axis of democracy .. What about the point of no return?
Slummy: cheers mate!
I really don't give Bill Gates too much thought. I'm too busy recompiling my Linux kernel.
bill gates cant be evil. he donates money to charities. like george bush.
Listening to linux people makes me never want to use linux. It seems it turns people into preaching lunatics spreading the word to all infidels out there.
BIll Gates only donates money to charities that buy microsoft products. George W Bush only donates money to charities that don't support condoms. Whatabout you?bill gates cant be evil. he donates money to charities. like george bush.
i donate all my money to the votzenblog.
Listening to linux people makes me never want to use linux. It seems it turns people into preaching lunatics spreading the word to all infidels out there.
How dare you call me an lunatic, you infidel! I will blow you and your windows box to smithereens for such slanderous comments.
Ohoh! It seems like someone took a pouët BBS comment a little too seriously! How dare you call me an lunatic, you infidel! I will blow you and your windows box to smithereens for such slanderous comments.
ohoh!, it seems like someone needs some sleep!
Or maybe someone needs to get a cup of coffee and wake up.
you pretend not to get it which is worse than not getting it ;)
One guy once said that linux is good for it's console, not the rest. Well that wasn't what he said, but... who cares?
I present to you Dr. Bill Gates, Ph.D. in Neurogenetics:
Gill Bates, sorry