
Worldcharts: Another Call for votes!

category: general [glöplog]
jeez. how do you make something attractive that hasn't even been released yet? they made an announcement intro, what else do you want, hostess girls? (would be cool but...)
added on the 2006-05-12 14:48:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: naked or what ? :D
added on the 2006-05-12 15:37:34 by EviL EviL
"how do you make something attractive that hasn't even been released yet?"

with a flamewar topic on pouet obviously :D
well, maybe not attractive, but well known
added on the 2006-05-12 15:38:46 by zoom zoom
the voting procedure itself is released. i was talking about making that attractive, not the publication of the results itself.
added on the 2006-05-12 15:45:41 by gemini gemini
we don't care about your damn charts, that's why we don't vote. no go die and STOP SPAMMING GOD DAMN IT!

where ?
added on the 2006-05-12 16:03:52 by EviL EviL
where what?
added on the 2006-05-12 16:08:42 by kusma kusma
flamefest because of votes \o/

now, will the atari/amiga wars come back too?
added on the 2006-05-12 16:21:33 by StingRay StingRay
very very soon
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added on the 2006-05-12 16:25:54 by EviL EviL
must... resist... urge...
added on the 2006-05-12 21:57:04 by kelsey kelsey
didnt have patience to do c64 and pc scene.. and one cant even alter votes afterwards.. oh well.. i guess amiga is all i'll vote for.
added on the 2006-05-12 22:43:38 by psenough psenough
Sting:There's no flamewar here.
added on the 2006-05-14 16:37:24 by ghandy ghandy
this place is fucked up..
added on the 2006-05-14 18:21:09 by darkus darkus
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added on the 2006-05-14 19:19:53 by EviL EviL
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added on the 2006-05-14 23:17:34 by kelsey kelsey
added on the 2006-05-14 23:52:16 by iks iks
I can't see any connection to Worldcharts but okay. Pouet is pouet is pouet.
added on the 2006-05-15 19:31:48 by ghandy ghandy
Pouët is pouët is pouët is not pouet.

I don't wanna see a goat's testicel with illegal or solicit drugs on top of it.
added on the 2006-05-15 19:46:42 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
tss.. tsss...
added on the 2006-05-20 12:11:13 by ghandy ghandy
how many weeks left btw?
As I'm at holidays I am not really perfectly informed. My brother has no irc client installed. Better ask H2O or Int3r in our irc channel.
added on the 2006-05-21 09:28:53 by ghandy ghandy
is that really a goat's testicle?
added on the 2006-05-21 19:09:49 by kelsey kelsey
No, I hope they are from mr. w busch jr. instead...
added on the 2006-05-23 18:18:23 by ghandy ghandy
so, did the voting process improve coz otherwise i wont bother finishing mine.. as even eating soup with a fork is faster than the voting interfacething.
added on the 2006-05-23 19:09:20 by el mal el mal
looks like Zwetchgenknödel! o/
added on the 2006-05-23 19:24:53 by Axel Axel
looks like Zwetschgenknödel! o/
added on the 2006-05-23 19:25:01 by Axel Axel
