crystal material in scoopex logo...
category: general [glöplog]
anyone knows how to get this result playing with attributes options under MAYA 7? I am trying but I am far from this

try material: glass. at least it produces similar maybe?
No idea in maya 7, but it looks like standard glass with refraction on, with a blue background behind.
strangely I didn't find a material named glass under maya... I used a blinn material. made it transparent and put a 1.5 refraction index.
you think there's a blue environment map?
and that's one ugly logo -_-
anyway. diffuse: blue, specular: white, specularity quite high, glossiness quite high, opacity ~40% and yes, perhaps some refraction+reflection tweaking too to get that real glass look to it. and make sure you put a few lightsources in the scene to give that play of light...
ugly HAND-MADE logo please :)