Introducing the Soundevotion Competition!
category: general [glöplog]
Introducing the Soundevotion Competition!
A web-based tri-weekly Renoise module tracking competition.
Each round features 2 weeks of tracking followed by 1 week of voting.
A web-based tri-weekly Renoise module tracking competition.
Each round features 2 weeks of tracking followed by 1 week of voting.
Round 1 has officially begun! Entry deadline is April 7th, 2006 00:00 CST (UTC/GMT -6).
Soundevotion Competition Round 2 has officially begun! Entry deadline is April 29th, 2006 00:00 CST!
Come join SDCompo!
Come join SDCompo!
Round 2 Tracking of the Soundevotion Competition has completed. This round came to a close with a grand total of 12 entries! With over 30 people downloading the samplepack, this is a modest turnout but none the less exciting! Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 2 and we hope to see you again in Round 3. The Round 2 votepack is now available!
Soundevotion Competition
Soundevotion Competition
Round 2 voting has finished and the Results are in!
Keeping things moving, Round 3 Tracking has begun! The Round 3 entry deadline is May 19th, 2006 00:00 CST!
Keeping things moving, Round 3 Tracking has begun! The Round 3 entry deadline is May 19th, 2006 00:00 CST!
dude - take a hint.
gloom: This is an informational post for those interested in compoing. If your not interested move along.
Sonicade: could you list the entries from demosceners, i would like to hear em or atleast some of em prolly
mick rippon !! O_O
all the formal hating posts turned void by ps worshipping at least one of the contributors. =)
Sonicade : cool! :) ill check them out
thanks :) I update this thread every 1-2 weeks with the latest compo status. Anyone is welcome to join.
They were all tracked using samplepacks and Renoise so they are all by demosceners in that respect.
So I can become a demoscener simply by using samplepacks and Renoise?
What I meant was ofcourse: "So I'll *automatically* become a demoscener just by using samplepacks and Renoise?"
ever wondered why there are so many musicians in the scene? *rollseyes*
someone should set this unwritten rule that you aint a scener until:
- participated in a demoparty
- bought ps a beer
yes, i think we should add this to the faqs.
someone should set this unwritten rule that you aint a scener until:
- participated in a demoparty
- bought ps a beer
yes, i think we should add this to the faqs.
bought ps a beer
...FUCK. I _KNEW_ something was missing. :((
ps, make it to function and please let us make ourselves demosceners. :)