What about using a free, real men OS?
category: general [glöplog]
Linux FUCKING SUCKS!!!11!!1
the very link you posted "linux is not windows" answers the question why people dont make more demos on linux:
"If the answer is "I want an OS that puts all the power in the hands of the user and expects him to know how to use it": Get Linux. You'll have to invest a substantial amount of time and effort before you get it to where you want it, but you'll eventually be rewarded with a computer that works exactly the way you want it to."
well, actually i'd rather spend my time making demos, in an efficient and relatively friendly environment with lots of very nice, powerful and usable commercial software (that's market forces for you). not dicking around learning vi commands for months while coding jack shit. :) that one i'll leave to the geeks i remember from my computer science course who spent all day pissing around with their linux box but couldnt actually do anything useful with it. :)
(in summary: the creative type prefers to just go and create, the computer geek prefers to piss around with his computer)
"If the answer is "I want an OS that puts all the power in the hands of the user and expects him to know how to use it": Get Linux. You'll have to invest a substantial amount of time and effort before you get it to where you want it, but you'll eventually be rewarded with a computer that works exactly the way you want it to."
well, actually i'd rather spend my time making demos, in an efficient and relatively friendly environment with lots of very nice, powerful and usable commercial software (that's market forces for you). not dicking around learning vi commands for months while coding jack shit. :) that one i'll leave to the geeks i remember from my computer science course who spent all day pissing around with their linux box but couldnt actually do anything useful with it. :)
(in summary: the creative type prefers to just go and create, the computer geek prefers to piss around with his computer)
demosceners usually are geeks when it comes to coding/making releases/optimizing the shit out/etc..., but they are very pragmatic when it comes to HOW and WITH WHAT they do it.
that's one of the main points I guess.
but anyway, why do I waste my time here ...?
that's one of the main points I guess.
but anyway, why do I waste my time here ...?
It's nice how linux users must be promoting linux all the time, and telling us, windows users to use linux all the time.
Windows seems to promote by itself... I've never heard any Windows user telling a Linux user to use Windows :)
Windows seems to promote by itself... I've never heard any Windows user telling a Linux user to use Windows :)
go out of my pouet.net with your
linux discussions, please!
linux discussions, please!
2 glöps and already trolling....wow
v3nomsoup: it's called evolution
i partly disagree completely with navis. it's true people ask questions about old stuff, and may be triggered even more by open source stuff. but i have a concrete example that dismisses this argument: i once made a diskmag shell.. it became a success and at some point i dropped it. and people have bothered me from early 1998 till this year with questions about how it works. half of that time it was closed source, half open. and just as much ppl ask the same questions every year. conclusion: these questions are not a question of open source but of the popularity of your prod.
and if people ask question about old code you can always ignore them. in most cases that's bad.. and in some cases it's necessary. ;)
but about the OS discussion: i agree with smash and others. changing from one OS to the other does nothing for your productivity..
and if people ask question about old code you can always ignore them. in most cases that's bad.. and in some cases it's necessary. ;)
but about the OS discussion: i agree with smash and others. changing from one OS to the other does nothing for your productivity..

Face it guys, Linux desktop users are growing substantially. In fact my neighbour just switched last week, subsequently increasing worldwide desktop Linux usage by 12.5%.
Very funny thom! :-)
Reminds me of the jokes when the first PC demos began appearing. And the jokes when first 3D accelerated demos were released :-)
Reminds me of the jokes when the first PC demos began appearing. And the jokes when first 3D accelerated demos were released :-)
PC demos are still a joke. Everyone knows Amiga is the only one true demo machine.
still, ppl blabbering on and on how good linux is and that ppl should swap OS kinda makes me think of jehova witnesses or crappy vacuumcleaner salesmen ;)
At any rate, Windows users are conformists and Linux users are communists. Which would you rather be??
If you are tired of me blabbering about how good Linux is, I can also blabber about how good FreeBSD is :-)
And I am not saying ppl should switch, I am saying that ppl _will_ eventually switch. On their own. As such, I am not a jehova's witness, but merely and oracle.
Just so you know :-)
And I am not saying ppl should switch, I am saying that ppl _will_ eventually switch. On their own. As such, I am not a jehova's witness, but merely and oracle.
Just so you know :-)
Yay! Linux! :D
I don't understand, what is the earth-shuttering event that will change the world ? (maybe Vista will be a load of crap ?).
Seeing Vista ever being released would be quite earth-shuttering :-)
I've never heard any Windows user telling a Linux user to use Windows :)
That sounds like you've never had to cooperate with a Linux user.
funkyou78: games platforms make the best demo platforms. They're made to do demo things - graphics, music, fast math. They're widespread in homogenous forms. If you dig into something and find a clever hack, you're relying very heavily on the platform being homogenous.
Linux is not a games platform. It's not made for graphics and music. It's not homogenous.
The GBA is.
The PSP is.
DirectX is.
This is why I make demos on gaming platforms.
If your idea of a 'demo' involves a fast database, or a powerful webserver, or the best server network stack in the industry, or efficient arbitration of many users accessing the same hardware resources, then maybe a non client-centric, non-gaming platform is your thing. It's not mine. If it involves the increased security of peer review, then you're not making a client-centric real-time application, you're making some networked thing, or some network-aware thing. You're not making a real-time, hardware crunching, multimedia app. If people made MMO's as demos then that would be cool, but how much of the graphics + music + physics is done on the server?
If your idea of a Real Men's demo is one that doesn't rely on the platform, that doesn't rely on the OS, well, you're going to be coding a 3d object loading library for a month when I load a .x file with one line of code. Unless there's a 3d model loading library that ships with every linux distribution. (note: there isn't) You'll be outputting pcm to /dev/sound0 (or whatever) while I'm playing an mp3. If I have to include the code with my prod, install new packages onto the user's machine, or use a bootdisk, then I may as well not be using an OS at all, and if I'm not using an OS at all, then why should I use *your* favorite?
I suppose you'd be disappointed that I relied on the GBA's sprite and tile hw acceleration. At least, you'd say that I was weak and mind-fukked. I'm willing to be that weak.
Linux is not a games platform. It's not made for graphics and music. It's not homogenous.
The GBA is.
The PSP is.
DirectX is.
This is why I make demos on gaming platforms.
If your idea of a 'demo' involves a fast database, or a powerful webserver, or the best server network stack in the industry, or efficient arbitration of many users accessing the same hardware resources, then maybe a non client-centric, non-gaming platform is your thing. It's not mine. If it involves the increased security of peer review, then you're not making a client-centric real-time application, you're making some networked thing, or some network-aware thing. You're not making a real-time, hardware crunching, multimedia app. If people made MMO's as demos then that would be cool, but how much of the graphics + music + physics is done on the server?
If your idea of a Real Men's demo is one that doesn't rely on the platform, that doesn't rely on the OS, well, you're going to be coding a 3d object loading library for a month when I load a .x file with one line of code. Unless there's a 3d model loading library that ships with every linux distribution. (note: there isn't) You'll be outputting pcm to /dev/sound0 (or whatever) while I'm playing an mp3. If I have to include the code with my prod, install new packages onto the user's machine, or use a bootdisk, then I may as well not be using an OS at all, and if I'm not using an OS at all, then why should I use *your* favorite?
I suppose you'd be disappointed that I relied on the GBA's sprite and tile hw acceleration. At least, you'd say that I was weak and mind-fukked. I'm willing to be that weak.
word :)
@anes: what do you want from that "poor" man? :)
oh well, after a second thought, it's 2006 and some people still release cracktros that look like they run on a bugged 68000, I guess one can still argue about win vs linux then...
oh well, after a second thought, it's 2006 and some people still release cracktros that look like they run on a bugged 68000, I guess one can still argue about win vs linux then...