Demosceners and MMORPG's?
category: general [glöplog]
mmorpgs make people bipolar.
haha nice vid silkcut... but what's he sayin??
what a pathetic little twat. He must have been so proud to put this online. Good job, parents..
But yeah, what is he saying ?
But yeah, what is he saying ?
haha :)
that can't be real
that can't be real
also, is it synteesi?
haha, synteesi..
Well, it doesnt work. If he keeps pressing all those random keys.
Imagine if he had to debug the ATI driver cash-bugs how he would react..
Well, it doesnt work. If he keeps pressing all those random keys.
Imagine if he had to debug the ATI driver cash-bugs how he would react..
thats like the stupidest video ever to spread online.
it looked very arranged.
Christ. Just about the most obvious fake ever.
yeah, clearly fake but it does make u laugh
remembers me on some of my early debug sessions.
i'm waiting for star trek online or whatever the name will be.
I went to school with one of the most intelligent persons I've met, except for the fact that he suddenly decided to waste his potential.
Don't know how he's doing now though, but last time we spoke he dropped out of high-school to work at the postal office and play anarchy online. Really stupid for a guy that gets A in subjects without even reading.
Don't know how he's doing now though, but last time we spoke he dropped out of high-school to work at the postal office and play anarchy online. Really stupid for a guy that gets A in subjects without even reading.
Maybe it just gets too boring to get A without studying, being so succesful without a challenge :)
This thread needs some cheering up.

Oh My God, what is his problem anyway?
(I know it can't be real but... who does that?!?!)
(I know it can't be real but... who does that?!?!)
Hot shit for addicted geeks. I was playin it for a while, but i choose life.
Hot shit for addicted geeks. I was playin it for a while, but i choose life.
I fucking hate MMORPGs.
i fucking need mmorpgs just because i have not the real life.
"some people don't get any experience point due to the difference in levels"
Dbug, on PVE servers you can mentor players who are lower lvl than you, which scales your equipment/spells/stats down to their level until you unmentor. And they will get xp as long as you mentor them. EQ2 is not the same as it was 1 year ago when you last played it. Plus, you quit playing when you were level 15 and you hardly saw any of the content. Sure, if you want it to be a grindfest where all that matters is getting to lvl 70 and having über equipment, EQ2 will let you do that. But, you know, if you want to roleplay and spend 2 years getting to lvl 25, EQ2 will let you do that too. To say it can't be considered a role playing game, to dismiss all quests as "fedex quests", to say that the sole point is to kill stuff...just proves you haven't really played the game much ;-)
Dbug, on PVE servers you can mentor players who are lower lvl than you, which scales your equipment/spells/stats down to their level until you unmentor. And they will get xp as long as you mentor them. EQ2 is not the same as it was 1 year ago when you last played it. Plus, you quit playing when you were level 15 and you hardly saw any of the content. Sure, if you want it to be a grindfest where all that matters is getting to lvl 70 and having über equipment, EQ2 will let you do that. But, you know, if you want to roleplay and spend 2 years getting to lvl 25, EQ2 will let you do that too. To say it can't be considered a role playing game, to dismiss all quests as "fedex quests", to say that the sole point is to kill stuff...just proves you haven't really played the game much ;-)
Ok, so they changed that.
Sounds a bit like EQ1 then, they repaired the broken 'features' of the ranger (like the tracking unusable on non flat areas) in the following month after I canceled my subscription.
About the Role Play, yes indeed mmo's can be Role Play but it all depends of the players. Trying to Role Play on WoW, surrounded by 'l33t' players that are 'lfg' and telling you that you are a 'neewb' is not gona immerse you (even on the supposedly rpg servers).
Now it seems that EQ2 has got better and better. I'm happy for you :)
Sounds a bit like EQ1 then, they repaired the broken 'features' of the ranger (like the tracking unusable on non flat areas) in the following month after I canceled my subscription.
About the Role Play, yes indeed mmo's can be Role Play but it all depends of the players. Trying to Role Play on WoW, surrounded by 'l33t' players that are 'lfg' and telling you that you are a 'neewb' is not gona immerse you (even on the supposedly rpg servers).
Now it seems that EQ2 has got better and better. I'm happy for you :)
LOL. IMO in fact these games have almost nothing with real rpg's. They are just hack'n'slash online, like Diablo. U can just talk and trade with other ppl.
Sucking thing is there is no time for fun, cos u must kill mobs all the time if u want lvl up, otherway rest of server will be before u.
Sucking thing is there is no time for fun, cos u must kill mobs all the time if u want lvl up, otherway rest of server will be before u.
Eye of the Beholder series rules!!!