"The Ultimate Sausage Fest"
category: general [glöplog]
I was browsing the web and found this famous scener video on a non-scene site. You're famous guys!
(Despite what the name implies this is safe for work)
(Despite what the name implies this is safe for work)
Views: 7,313!!!
hahahaha :D
i guess this was inevitable :D
i guess this was inevitable :D
Aah, memories!
Also I think some courtesy should go to Fuzzy / 7th Cube who recorded it :)
hahahahaaha.. oh god.. this is the BESTEST advertisement of the 'demoscene' ever! Just show this at LAN-parties on big screens!
'you wanna be part of this.... don'tcha...'
btw, who is that longhaired man that's busting mad professional dancing moves in the middle of the screen?
'you wanna be part of this.... don'tcha...'
btw, who is that longhaired man that's busting mad professional dancing moves in the middle of the screen?
nosfe? jaffa? kraku?
heh, i know Nosfe and Jaffa, so it's not them :) I'll whip up a decent animated gif off it later
dunno, its seems to be teel of matt current? iam not sure, correct me if iam wrong...
orginal video with better quality is found from http://www.kyamk.fi/~oh3arha/Photos/boozembly_boy_dancers(divx6).avi
and that video is recoded by me, not by Fuzzy :)
Unssi, you're wrong. I missed that whole thing :(
Others in the crowd: Nystep, Voxel, Megamies... and... no I don't know who that fellow is...
oh wtf :D what's all the beige pants? (or whatever that colour is called...)
I've _so_ not noticed this thread. I don't know why, it's pretty cool. Thx shane. :)

Views: 8,208!!!!!!!!!!
Haha yeah, "WTF!"
at de vil være det bekendt!