Titan (and svenzzon) is getting pretty tired and sad...
category: general [glöplog]

i feel sorry for irokos.

svenzzon, wtf do you expect this thread will do except fueling the fire?!
this si now an ATOM BOMBAAA!!!! *pom*
I was at my first computer party when I was four fucking years old.
I might want to mention that you do not appear to have mentally matured a lot ever since.
btw, just wondering...
svenzzon, what do you mean when you say "on atari since 1990" ?...
svenzzon, what do you mean when you say "on atari since 1990" ?...
since 1990, he's sitting on one :)
i'm on page 6 right now, which means that i'm sane enough not to read the rest. but what i learned from all those replies is the following: people accuse dipswitch and dubmood being svenzzon, alien^pdx and shifter are actually identical twins and buzzie is a secret member of titan, but runs speedfisters aside just to raise titan's fame by putting them down in any release. that would result in buzzie being svenzzon too. did i get that right so far?
.. still, no irokos-bashing in here?
let me start then. irokos loves caca!
.. still, no irokos-bashing in here?
let me start then. irokos loves caca!
I fully agree with dalezy and would like to add the following comment.
And also...
And also...

sorry, had to. :)
I had my first pentium 550 mhz when I was 2 years old 1963. That was an experience.
ekoli: i was just joking of course. :)
To bad there isn't any edit function so one can correct ones misstakes an thus making all comments seem totally idiotic ;)
See you guys at BP!
See you guys at BP!
Who fucking cares !!! DRUGS ARE GOOD OR YOU!!! Dont diss me spittfisters !!
All of a sudden I feel like I remember why it is actually a bad thing to do drugs...
*snorts a line of rape snus*
not everyone gets their songs remixed by the supercool musicman!
Jesus fucking Christ!
I'm just back from holidays, and i see that thread.
Wow. Aight, I havent read it all, but some little shits did get out of the others, and i wanna clarify different things, in a fast way, just cause i dont wanna be involved in that bullshit thread at all. Anyway, here they are :
Ok.. What i enjoy when i see that, is to notice how imaginative some people are. Which is actually definitely a great thing, for sure. But guys, please, when you tell something like that, please be sure about it, can you?
So imagine something : Let's say someone in our channel comes by, and asks a titan member for a cracktro... The titan member comes in the internal channel, and talks about the request he just had. Till now, nothing wrong. We all know that all the titan cracktros are all the same, so why would we change that.. so we ask to a gfx artist to make a logo, to a music artist to make a music, and to a coder to make the whole shit fitting together. Until here, still nothing wrong. But now, look twice at our cracktros, please. Yah, look at the credits. Do you all the time see the same people involved in cracktro making? No, right? Ok. So now, just imagine, If every titan member had a slot on a site, for each work he would make from a juarezgroup request, every site on earth would be full of titan accounts. And honestly, it's impossible. Now, if you wanna prove the opposite, do it, and PROVE IT FOR FUCK SAKE.. show me the log files of those sites, and i'll wank in public.
I dont give a shit about anything that's told about titan, whenever it's told, wherever it's told, you can tell me i'm lame, or whatever you want to, i dont give a fuck, i got my own integrity, a personnal trust, and everything that goes with. I love you all, and you know that, except dubmood (yes shifter, i love you, you even saw some irc logs about it). But what i truely disrespect is lie. Telling that Titan gets slots in return is total lying. Now, prove the opposite if you dont believe me..
I'm just back from holidays, and i see that thread.
Wow. Aight, I havent read it all, but some little shits did get out of the others, and i wanna clarify different things, in a fast way, just cause i dont wanna be involved in that bullshit thread at all. Anyway, here they are :
beside that, talking about warez and leechslots..
you're just a sad little boy who got lost on his way to the warezscene and happened to end up in Titan
nor its leader licking every ass it can find on the whole demo and releasescene (for leech, and god knows what).
Ok.. What i enjoy when i see that, is to notice how imaginative some people are. Which is actually definitely a great thing, for sure. But guys, please, when you tell something like that, please be sure about it, can you?
So imagine something : Let's say someone in our channel comes by, and asks a titan member for a cracktro... The titan member comes in the internal channel, and talks about the request he just had. Till now, nothing wrong. We all know that all the titan cracktros are all the same, so why would we change that.. so we ask to a gfx artist to make a logo, to a music artist to make a music, and to a coder to make the whole shit fitting together. Until here, still nothing wrong. But now, look twice at our cracktros, please. Yah, look at the credits. Do you all the time see the same people involved in cracktro making? No, right? Ok. So now, just imagine, If every titan member had a slot on a site, for each work he would make from a juarezgroup request, every site on earth would be full of titan accounts. And honestly, it's impossible. Now, if you wanna prove the opposite, do it, and PROVE IT FOR FUCK SAKE.. show me the log files of those sites, and i'll wank in public.
I dont give a shit about anything that's told about titan, whenever it's told, wherever it's told, you can tell me i'm lame, or whatever you want to, i dont give a fuck, i got my own integrity, a personnal trust, and everything that goes with. I love you all, and you know that, except dubmood (yes shifter, i love you, you even saw some irc logs about it). But what i truely disrespect is lie. Telling that Titan gets slots in return is total lying. Now, prove the opposite if you dont believe me..
as far as i know, nobody has said anything about what you just brought up. if i were you, i'd ask my dear member to calm down a little bit.
guys. please have a few more beers. or a few less. depending.
guys. please have a few more beers. or a few less. depending.
haha =)
'nuff said.
'nuff said.
(*hugs everyone*)