
Sorry, I am preety sad now.

category: general [glöplog]
not enough tits
added on the 2006-01-09 14:30:17 by zoom zoom
added on the 2006-01-09 15:21:45 by okkie okkie
tipples: tits with nipples
added on the 2006-01-09 15:32:14 by psonice psonice
Optimus, just let batman cheer you up: http://www.cthulhu.fi/~falkoni/fun/batman.swf
added on the 2006-01-09 15:54:05 by nystep nystep
You control your mind and thoughts, Don't let them control you.

Kind Regards
added on the 2006-01-09 17:11:06 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
michael, you forgot your sweater yesterday, shall i drop it off at your mom's work again?
added on the 2006-01-09 19:34:19 by okkie okkie
added on the 2006-01-09 20:46:01 by havoc havoc
Not recomended: play games, fall in love, potatos
Why the latter? They are brilliant with onions and paprika (ask Tomcat).
"how good(?) it would be if I pwned a girl"

Try not to use the word "pwned" and life will start smiling to you. Girls will also appreciate, I suppose.
added on the 2006-01-09 21:41:51 by dixan dixan
omg dixan! girls totally like to be like pwned and stuff, rofl lol rolf's bbq popsicles!
added on the 2006-01-09 22:10:41 by okkie okkie
optimus: according to my theory
you dour depression is a result of dissatisfaction about the failing society within which we live..
and you feelings of helplessness in what is such a large problem involving many people...you feel helpless...creating your demo's and doing your studies seems useless, whats the point, why bother, it will never make a difference....this is what is going on....according to my theory....you are sinking into low levels of existance searching for some power getting into the workings of the machine hoping that perhaps this this will empower you....and that you might be able to take the controls....this according to my theory is what they call mental illness but it is not mental illness my theory proves this...
there are 2 options
1. rise above it and do your studies and get a job etc etc like most people do and then try to ignore any of the problems exists like most people do

2. delve into the machine , go low level, open your mind to the universe, connect to the (psychic)collective conciousness that is spirit and god....receive the understanding of totality and have the mind and eyes of god
take the controls and change the world...

this is dangerous unless you know what you are doing, it takes a long time and much patience
you have to ask the right questions and the answers will come in time...you need to have an open heart...
and take in much knowledge from the bibles and other sources so you trully understand the truth about where we are in the timeframe and evolution of life....etc etc etc
it takes time...be patient and have an open heart and ask questions they will come....

these are the two options you have
depression is simply a feeling of helplessness where you give up....MANIC depression is where you rty to dive in quickly and tackle the world/missfunctioning society around you....but you will not succeed this way....take time, be patient, prepare yourself, gain knowledge and then confront it with confidence.....
this is how to prevent manic depression from occurring....

or hey, just go forth and do what everyone else does, study, get a job, and ignore it all while the world destroys itself around you...

if it is too late and you are already hearing voices and hallucinating in your heroic attempts
then i reccommend tantric vajrayana meditation(not a tin foil hat) to protect yourself.....and bring yourself out of it back to normality....

hope this helps you
i hate to see anyone go down the pan

added on the 2006-01-09 23:11:15 by seel seel
optimus:my mother was manic depressive a few times in her life and i spent my whole life studying it in the hope to make my mum better
you can see pictures i have created and collected during this time at www.ArtSanctuary.net

according to my theory manic depressives and schitsophrenics are heros, and they should be praised for their heroic attempts to tackly what is a dissfunctioning society...
they Are hero's!!! but please take my advice according to my theory after years of study
so that you dont end up like most of them in their heroic yet failed attempts
added on the 2006-01-09 23:24:44 by seel seel
I think it's not the first time I combined pwned with girls. It's just another joke and not the usual way I think about girls. What means "pwned" anyways and who invented it? :)
added on the 2006-01-09 23:59:39 by Optimus Optimus
seel: I think that one reason for my sadness is simply the problems I have to deal with. I think the root of all evil is that I am still living in my parents home and our connection is so bad. I just have to finish my studies and see what's next. Among that came also my ambitions and dreams I had about myself that were never fulfilled, my unstable character, several bad moments in school, etc. Ok,. that's the practical things, some of them I haven't come to solve yet..

..now why I also go on analyzing more theoritical things and being cryptic? Do my unsattisfuction about the way most people think, the subjectivity of reality and such, have a connection with the above practical problems? I think they do.

I am not sure if I fit in your theory, perhaps I do and I am not aware of it. Initially I never thought myself as depressive as proposed for the medical term. I thought that what happens to me is mood swings, something that happens to most of us. I just happen to be very sensitive or unstable sometimes. I still don't know if I am but I think it doesn't matter much to say, it's just a name for it. I just know what I feel no matter if this is called depression or not. And I think it just has to do with what I've lived and something else which I analyze a lot lately:

That everything is a lie. "Everything we know is wrong" as that demo from Triad says. Societies are build up, with determined rules, beliefs, way of life, etc. Especially important is that our reach for hapiness is trying to catch something that is made up! I came up with the conclusion that this is the most important root of depression. Logically, we have the basic things that could drive a happy life, though we are still seeking for more, we keep being unsatisfied by the hapiness that is given to us.

When I was young, I had the strange thought that my focus on life would be to analyze everything because the hidden truth might give us answers and these might help solve human problems. Everything is so obviously wicked around us and everyone is claiming obvious truths. If we knew, then we wouldn't be here, in our current situation. Though after uberanalyzing I reached a point of thought, where every truth can be valid or invalid, every person hides a truth, there are several opinions and everyting is subjective. This one, even if it has a good side (acceptance of other people we can't understand), it also made me reach nihilism. One part of myself wants to believe in some strict bases in order to be able to continue to analyze in certain criteria and reach a point. With total subjectivity, how can I reach my purpose. Or is it that when I reach it, I don't approve the solution and think that there is still a way to go on? I am somewhere here stuck. And then I found out people's thinking is shifting according to their advantage, no matter if from the other side society's opinion has strict rules of what's right and what's wrong. People fly around and take what's needed, while I didn't knew in what to beleive cause I thought everything is subjective and my beleif is just a mechanism of my brain.

My text has gone so far and perhaps I would be able to express myself in fewer words, but forget it now. I hate it..

as for voices/hallucinations: No. Nothing of this yet. One day I was trully thinking that this could be possible, because I am tiring my brain too much since years with these thoughts. I wanted to know the truth behind our beliefs, where no one had gone before, though that would be dangerous, or? Though I either don't care if that happens or I don't think it ever happens. I think I have a filter in my brain that prevents it..
added on the 2006-01-10 00:40:40 by Optimus Optimus
dear optimus, since you can't get a life, at least try to get a blog :)
added on the 2006-01-10 02:08:11 by rmeht rmeht
he has a blog but he doesn't have enough tits they say.
tipples: tits with nipples

I suppose tits without nipples would be barbies or something. Dunno what I'd say if ever wound up naked with a nipple-less girl...
thom: i guess something like :


and then it will proceed to suck your brain out of your skull.
added on the 2006-01-10 08:56:17 by okkie okkie
1 in 13 people has a third nipple, and as they say, what goes forwards goes backwards. By my maths, that means 1 in 13 women have a missing second nipple, and 1 in 169 women are nippless.
added on the 2006-01-10 11:40:11 by psonice psonice
hold on a second, if a woman has a third nipple, does she have a third tit too?! And if she does, is it between the other two, or is in below the others, cat-style?
added on the 2006-01-10 11:44:26 by psonice psonice

You all suck. Skeel, he has some clues. Sort of. The rest of you, suck.

Optimus: Firstly; forget the potatoes. They don't love you and their volupturous, lazy kind

of vitamin composition doesn't help, even if they did.
Apricots. Fresh, juicy apricots. Go buy some. and Avacado. Organics are extra points and if

you have a market nearby you can skip the relative frustrations of supermarket things like

angry people and Michael Bolton music.

I'm serious on the apricots. now...

My text has gone so far and perhaps I would be able to express myself in fewer words,

but forget it now. I hate it..

Art isn't like other occupations, where you can learn by doing. With art it's different -

which one can do all they like... but you will only really learn, really move on, by 'not


Take some time - even if it's only a couple of hours on an afternoon. Go somewhere you

haven't been before... somewhere with not much people around. Spend some time outside. Smell

how it smells.

When I was young, I had the strange thought that my focus on life would be to analyze

everything because the hidden truth might give us answers and these might help solve human


Maybe your aspiring, 'find-answers' origins embedded from this age has something to do with

this. It was a [urel=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lao_Zi]wise man[/url] whom said: "Free from

desire, you realise the mystery; With desire, you realise only the manifestations".

I don't care for the moment if it works later as a relationship, I just care of

meeting girls and talking to them

i couldn't agree more; and know the feeling. A female perspective can be an amazingly

refreshing thing (like a shower: you know when you need one). You've said OKCupid; and

actually that really worked for me (lucky or not, it's a decent system)...

You said it yourself that you're not really in total loveloss melencholy; which is a great

thing. I don't think impending lonliness is worth worrying about: hell, we all know you're

artistic and that you've got passion in you (one only has to visit this site for milliseconds

before realising that).. once you get on top of stuff a bit more; I'm sure you won't have any

problems in the ladies department.

(as to the 'commitment' thing re: getting involved with Okcupid or whatever... well, one

doesn't initially need to say a lot. Again, by thinking about it but not doing it (not being

near compy), you'll work out the best way to present yourself.

Yep, that's the problem, I don't like my studies.

hmm, this is hard. Try and think in a bigger picture. Finishing your degree is useful tech,

but it’s not very polyphonic and it won’t get you on the cover of Wired. An old cookie i

know, but where do you want to be in 5 years? What do you want to be when you grow up? (you'd

be suprised the amount of people who don't know how to answer this).

Speaking of which, don't underestimate children. Time with children heals the soul. (If in doubt {because you're a kiddy-unco}, pull a face).

Another wise man once told me; make sure you take a couple of hours a week, doing something crazy. Sure, its another doing.. but made sense to me.

Point is, broadband isn't going to make you happy. Even moving out, isn't going really going

to cut it for you. Birth, marriage, death, re-birth.. living is serial, an unending accretion of alternatives.
Happiness; that comes from within: "darkness within darkness; the key to all understanding".

Send us your blog link; i'd love to pop by sometime.
(in closing - i agree; and this should be continued there).
added on the 2006-01-10 12:57:17 by Gaia Gaia
The problem was that even if I opened blogs, I didn't had the mood to write as much as I do here. I don't know why. I just got used to here..

I have optimus6128.deviantart.com but I am rarely there and it's not exactly a blog.
Then theoritically I am supposed to have this too http://www.doomworld.com/blog/?user=Optimus but I am not using it.

Is it just another coincidence that I went into some articles speaking about blogs as the new phenomena, also some greek writer I used to read his thoughts in his page suddenly talks about the new blog trend on the net and that even Tim Berners Lee suddenly got his own blog, which also made this writer decide to make his own blog,. it gets more interesting and I am thinking to make a blog on blogspot or bloggers or anything else. Who would have thought what new internet trends would pop up in years! I have only one problem in this. I don't even have the time to read other blogs that from a side I find them interesting. Uberinformation. Sometimes I didn't even have the time to write a well written blog frequently. Even on Pouet I don't write much frequently anymore. Too much stuff, how can I afford uberinformation?

I may consider opening in some of the sites but who says I won't be here in the future? At least I am posting too rarely such forums anymore here, you have to be happy about that, when was the last time I posted a thread like this?
added on the 2006-01-10 15:13:47 by Optimus Optimus
I can't even find (or perhaps the mood) to update my websites anymore. Perhaps things might change though now I have internet at home and I can connect and do some small updates with one click..
added on the 2006-01-10 15:16:21 by Optimus Optimus
well, the form doesn't matter... What matters is that writing can be self theraputic; but only when the mood is in you. it doesn't matter if you don't get to them for years, that can be good.
also, i know i get swamped and sick of the sight of text sometimes too.. no motivation or interest whatsoever. Maybe you need handwriting? i know it sounds like a lamer idea.. and i wouldn't recommend it unless i had first tried myself (i have found that the sendings of letters to a trusted friend when i was down last year, became one of the years highlites). Even lamer; but shoot something to scott at groovemail dot com, for an addressl just food for thought.
added on the 2006-01-10 16:01:35 by Gaia Gaia
