I am with ps on xmas hating.
category: general [glöplog]
There is one day in the entire year when my mother gets easilly angry and yelling at us "You are not gonna make me angry on christmas!!!" and it is supposed that we are dressed very special cause it's xmas and it's a shame to not be dressed and behave well on xmas day. And then it's a special occasion when everything makes a diferrent sense cause it's christmas but our local conspiracologist told us that Jesus was born on 12th November so wtf? But I don't thumb down productions because they are xmas. I only put a piggy except if they are really fucking great which usually doesn't happen cause people release a demo called xmas-something because it feels more special than a common lame demo this way, but anyways that's the only point where I am not with ps but I agree and nice to see that ps is also an xmas hater. Actually I am just an xmas disliker, I don't know if hater is the word, I just don't care and think of nice demos while my mother yells. I like demos they make me forget. What was the subject again?
In few words, there are days which were memorable in my life, like 23/11, 21/04, 16/07, 12/01, etc. but NOT xmas! Namesdays also doesn't make much sense because just each other Michael/etc. like you has namesday the same day, but birthday makes a sense cause it's the fuckin day you were born! I also like the new year's eve very much, cause it's year++; and I make new fuckin unrealistic demo and life resolutions. Wow!
bah, i celebrate christmas on 6.1. anyway.
lucky orthodox. so you'll get twice as much rants :D
Optimus, serious.. what makes you think we care?
tekno...oh, Optimus bad, he must have taken you for human beings.
Iblis.. this is not the right place. Besides, human beings were given a small piece of common sense. Although it looks like some of them lost it during their way of getting adult *cough*.
What makes you think anybody really seriously cares about any bullshit written in any Pouet threads these days? This was a rant not to be taken serious as the rest jokes, I was just in the mood cause I see 90% silly threads and that puts me into temptation to open another one. Next time, I decided I'll make Okkie's day too with a really really really really really really really crazy fuckin forum pouet silly thread..
Why does it make a diferrence for some because I am opening a thread as Optimus? Nahh..
Why does it make a diferrence for some because I am opening a thread as Optimus? Nahh..
Oh and going on, which are your personal favorite memorable days?
I have to think of the thread for Okkie. I may miss on this one cause I have years to write. Which should it's ingridients be? I am dreaming of that thread. I should open it but I should meditate on that. It will be just rants which will make Okkie's day :)
doomsday is a memorable day..
especially mri beeing so hardcore into christianity these days.
especially mri beeing so hardcore into christianity these days.
tekno: Except if you are just arguing about the subject as I've seen you are arguing about it in the other thread too. Anyways,. I agree our families sucks ;P
p.s. Who drank the ouzo now?
p.s. Who drank the ouzo now?
I dream the day when the world is nuked. Wonder which that will be..
i didn't even need to read to find out that optimus *should* get his password for livejournal back. =)
dip : i thought you actually celebrate it on 7.1 not 6.1, like wtf ? :D
dip: Väterchen Frost ;)
I am supposed to be writting in deviantart but I've totally forgotten that site. I was also occupied by okcupid but I am bored to solve any tests too and there aren't any tests where I am really ruling the shit out and getting a girlfriend for present anyways =)
I was thinking of oppening a blog in bloggers after I have seen Ralouka's blog, and I think the blog was cool and I would post doom WADs too, but I have no time to open a new blog. There are too much confusing options in blog sites that it needs dedications and I am currently dedicated to Pouet (still). I don't even have the time to update my website anymore with more silly news but who's gonna read them anyways? Oneday I was thinking of starting an extremely weild mystile diskmag with strange blogs and articles and scene stuff too of course. But who's gonna find me time and dedication for that. It's a dream of me but only coming in my world domination or predomination or prepremasturbation day. Sorta..
Other than that,. wtf? Who's gonna read my shit if I write on blogs?!?!?!?! I should be fuckin dedicated to gather a lot of friends someone of them could perhaps find the time to respond. Pouet qua(nt/l)ity anyone?
Everybody of you asks me to open a blog but don't you know? Is there any better place than Pouet where I will open extremely cool threads and I'll know that a lot of people who know me will read them and that I know that a lot of people who know me will respond with the most silly ways ever in mankind of the universe blogcity?!?!?!
In few words? I know I write on Pouet, you read and responses are numerous and funny! In blogs I went, nobody cared and I had to be dedicated to the silly blog site for years in order to gather friends who can perhaps reply. And they would never reply with the favorable siliness I enjoy at Pouet! Face it?!
And face it. Why are you in Pouet? Because you are ROLLING the ROTFL LOLLERCOASTER with your favorite scene known friends each ROLLS ROYCE memorable Pouet day of the ROLLING ROLFSTONES!!!
Why are you at Pouet? Pouet beats the best blog in the universe!!! (Only the best page in the universe by mr.Maddox is a valuable competitor here)
You make Pouet being so silly. Don't fuck with me! Or are you just afraid that oneday my threads will beat your threads?!?!
Microsoft Linux PowerAccess version 18.314 deluxe extended functionality for SymBOS (Alternative fucking obsessed version for I said! "WORD.")
I was thinking of oppening a blog in bloggers after I have seen Ralouka's blog, and I think the blog was cool and I would post doom WADs too, but I have no time to open a new blog. There are too much confusing options in blog sites that it needs dedications and I am currently dedicated to Pouet (still). I don't even have the time to update my website anymore with more silly news but who's gonna read them anyways? Oneday I was thinking of starting an extremely weild mystile diskmag with strange blogs and articles and scene stuff too of course. But who's gonna find me time and dedication for that. It's a dream of me but only coming in my world domination or predomination or prepremasturbation day. Sorta..
Other than that,. wtf? Who's gonna read my shit if I write on blogs?!?!?!?! I should be fuckin dedicated to gather a lot of friends someone of them could perhaps find the time to respond. Pouet qua(nt/l)ity anyone?
Everybody of you asks me to open a blog but don't you know? Is there any better place than Pouet where I will open extremely cool threads and I'll know that a lot of people who know me will read them and that I know that a lot of people who know me will respond with the most silly ways ever in mankind of the universe blogcity?!?!?!
In few words? I know I write on Pouet, you read and responses are numerous and funny! In blogs I went, nobody cared and I had to be dedicated to the silly blog site for years in order to gather friends who can perhaps reply. And they would never reply with the favorable siliness I enjoy at Pouet! Face it?!
And face it. Why are you in Pouet? Because you are ROLLING the ROTFL LOLLERCOASTER with your favorite scene known friends each ROLLS ROYCE memorable Pouet day of the ROLLING ROLFSTONES!!!
Why are you at Pouet? Pouet beats the best blog in the universe!!! (Only the best page in the universe by mr.Maddox is a valuable competitor here)
You make Pouet being so silly. Don't fuck with me! Or are you just afraid that oneday my threads will beat your threads?!?!
Microsoft Linux PowerAccess version 18.314 deluxe extended functionality for SymBOS (Alternative fucking obsessed version for I said! "WORD.")
That was general, not pointed to dalezy which I like. I am sorry if I offended anyone.I am sorry I was just obsessed in hasteberserk power, but isn't Pouet silly? Aren't here the most silly threads ever? Why do they sometimes blame me when ??? That makes me sad, but I shouldn't take pouet seriously..
I mean when I write something, i dare to write something now cause I have a false view, but then everybody writes silly threads so why do they blame other people for writting non scene or boring or stupid threads in Pouet? Weird..
i predict new demo from sgz having a "optimus get a life" overlay again. :)
optimus: if you wrote a blog you could just post links to it's diferent entries which people on pouet could _choose_ to read. thus they wouldnt get so pissed at you when you engage rant mode. which is why everyone keeps suggesting you get one. there are sceners using blogs btw, both on blogspot.com and livejournal.com if they would bother reader your rants thats another discussion. but then again if they wouldnt read them there they certainly wouldnt wanna read them here.
beeing socially accepted is so hard. make a demo, you can rant all you want in the scrooltext! and everyone will wanna watch it to see if the code and gfx and music is any good.
all lies optimus, ps luv x-mas check it out:

from which one can infer that superbock makes you love xmas!!