The real best thread ever!
category: general [glöplog]
It's this one!
someone should start adding images now..
( . )( . )
[quote=tomic]someone should start adding images now..[/quote]
Yes. That was suposed to happen. Strange...
Yes. That was suposed to happen. Strange...


Isn't that a guinea-pig?

..ah wich reminds me. Time for a night snack.

I would comment on the sad state of affairs when people do not know about the rabbit from Japan who's owner balanced objects on his head, or the story thereof; in that it indicates that someone hasn't been paying attention to fads for the past 10 years and we'll need to relive them; except that I'm very busy fighting terrorism by buying Halliburton stock.
And you're busy atacking xmas or something, right?
v3nomsoup: random internet trivia. The rabbit with the pancake on its head is named Oolong, and died a couple of years ago. Tons of such photos were made.
Oolong is the name of Dragonball's pig!
My god... to you know where this takes us!?
My god... to you know where this takes us!?