

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2005-11-26 05:56:11 by jeenio jeenio
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added on the 2005-11-27 18:26:22 by violator violator
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added on the 2005-11-27 18:29:28 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2005-11-27 21:26:13 by jeenio jeenio
BB Image Mr. T. rockzZ ...
added on the 2005-11-28 08:42:02 by KOSAKKE KOSAKKE
KaL!sTo: You are so lame. I expected you to say something about the dodgy joke about orange juice.
??? Sorry ... what do you mean? BB Image
added on the 2005-11-28 08:50:42 by KOSAKKE KOSAKKE
your emoticons are goddamn annoying.
added on the 2005-11-28 15:24:28 by Shifter Shifter
i like them!
added on the 2005-11-28 17:25:16 by skrebbel skrebbel
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added on the 2005-11-28 18:14:15 by el mal el mal
JFYI: Führer is mannelijk, de vrouwelijke variant is Führerin.
het is FUHRERIN, goffedomme buitenlander.
added on the 2005-11-28 19:42:28 by dalezr dalezr
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added on the 2005-11-28 20:07:17 by el mal el mal
The umlaut in Motörhead was contributed by the graphic designer of the band's first album cover. In the words of Lemmy, Motörhead's front man: "I only put it in there to look mean." (Interestingly, the standard German pronunciation of Motör is similar to the standard English pronunciation of "motor", the umlaut over the second "o" requiring, in German, the fronting of the vowel. The French equivalent, moteur, is genuinely pronounced that way.) At one Mötley Crüe performance in Germany, the entire audience started chanting "Moetley Crueh!"
Wait, does that also mean "glöp" is pronounced as "glop" and the dots should make our beloved currency even more evil?
I think all submitted prods should pass a filter where me and Slummy had a "pass" or "no pass" button each.

..to be followed by "STARFIELD MACHT FREI" camps?

Hey Huuugs!, I'm still waiting for een "farbrauschwitz".
that is arguably the best missing bad pun yet.
added on the 2005-12-07 12:20:30 by Shifter Shifter
ja, ganz ein toller (ausch)Witze!
added on the 2005-12-07 12:45:19 by el mal el mal
added on the 2005-12-07 13:43:24 by Shifter Shifter
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added on the 2005-12-08 12:30:55 by tomic tomic
Wow, these two cuties are really big.
(someone had to do that comment)
da gehen zwei deutsche kurz nach dem zweiten weltkrieg in frankreich in ne bar. kurz bvor sie reingehen sagt der eine: "ey du. die machen uns ganz bestimmt fertig. die hassen die deutschen."
da antwortet der andre: "ja gut n sagen wir halt wir seien von england."
der erste findet dies eine gute idee und so gehn se rein. " two martini please!" sagt der erste. der kellner darauf: "Dry?" - "Nein zwei !"
