new platform request: detached house
category: general [glöplog]
I just watched it without problems under Linux, and the house gets a thumbs up from me.
it't think it is realtime and multimedia, the problem is you can't downloading and run it on your house : )
judging from the forum where the movie was posted (thanks gargaj) it looks like they have a happy scene of their own!
i'm just wondering if you can connect a MIDI keyboard to the controller and play on it (w/ a camera across the street for feedback). Would be fun : )
judging from the forum where the movie was posted (thanks gargaj) it looks like they have a happy scene of their own!
i'm just wondering if you can connect a MIDI keyboard to the controller and play on it (w/ a camera across the street for feedback). Would be fun : )
Better than most demo scene stuff by far! I want my house to do that!
Better than most demo scene stuff by far! I want my house to do that!
Shane, just have people in each room flicking the light switches on and off.. near enough :)
i'm just wondering if you can connect a MIDI keyboard to the controller and play on it (w/ a camera across the street for feedback). Would be fun : )
Since I've seen Cellulose, I can imagine anything.
Midi keyboard- why not?! :) If a typewriter plays .xm ...
For some people it looks like a certain censor demo.
For the german-literate:,1518,390162,00.html
For the english-literate: