

category: general [glöplog]
your picture isn't funny .... fuc|< oF NAZI !!!
added on the 2005-11-22 11:23:14 by KOSAKKE KOSAKKE
welcome to the internet!
added on the 2005-11-22 12:09:41 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2005-11-22 12:10:18 by superplek superplek

What, the word FUCK is illegal too?

And congratulations, Madenmann is right!
added on the 2005-11-22 12:30:29 by Shifter Shifter
Kalisto, just a side question: do you actually have something to do with the crack group with same name?
added on the 2005-11-22 12:38:54 by shadez shadez
i highly doubt it.
added on the 2005-11-22 13:07:52 by dipswitch dipswitch
shifter wrote:
Yours aren't a field day either. First it's the Allied Forces that made you guys ban the symbols, next you bring up the Great War that made you do it the first place. Is there anything that the Germans can be held accountable for then, or did the devil make you do this post to boot?

No, but I believe the pot got the best of your brain there? If you click on my alias you will see that I'm not from Germany. Nor am I a nazi as you seem to imply. The 1st WW is no excuse for Germany's actions but an explenation to why Hitler's ideas became so popular.
added on the 2005-11-22 14:03:09 by El Topo El Topo
I believe the pot got the best of your brain there?

I don't do that stuff, thanks. Can I call you a judgemental prick for assuming we all smoke pot in the Netherlands now? :)

If you click on my alias you will see that I'm not from Germany

Not the point here. Your reasoning is questionable, no matter where you are from. Your location doesn't prevent you from acting like the typical german I was bickering about either, so that's all right.

Nor am I a nazi as you seem to imply.

Where do I imply this?
added on the 2005-11-22 14:37:37 by Shifter Shifter

The 1st WW is no excuse for Germany's actions but an explenation to why Hitler's ideas became so popular.

I repeat: It's not the ideology that was popular.
added on the 2005-11-22 14:53:21 by superplek superplek
Niels wrote:
I repeat: It's not the ideology that was popular.

Looking back a few pages I think I see what you mean. I however believe that the nsdap made ideology of the phenonemon you describe and that is why people voted for them. But feel free to disagree if you wish...
added on the 2005-11-22 16:57:35 by El Topo El Topo
Can I call you a judgemental prick for assuming we all smoke pot in the Netherlands now? :)

Sure you can! You may replace pot with any intoxicating substance you like. My point is that you're talking out of your ass...

Your reasoning is questionable, no matter where you are from. Your location doesn't prevent you from acting like the typical german I was bickering about either, so that's all right.

You're making a poor job explaining why though. All I've done is making some comments about the aftermath and start of the nazi era and suddenly I'm some kind of German nationalist or whatever...

Where do I imply this?

By asking if there is anything that the Germans can be held accountable for. Of course they can, one is always responsible for one's actions.
added on the 2005-11-22 17:25:22 by El Topo El Topo
I however believe that the nsdap made ideology of the phenonemon you describe and that is why people voted for them.

That had more to do with the 'promised gold', the gifted speaker/blameshifter Hitler was and the frustration with it's current situation that drove the nation's wish for a radical change; without really giving much tought about the essence of that chance. Hey, people got a job! What's not to like? And when the grimness of the ideology started to really materialize in daily proceedings, the NSDAP-movement was already far too great to stop.
added on the 2005-11-22 18:11:09 by superplek superplek
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added on the 2005-11-23 00:29:46 by el mal el mal
author of 'Klaus Barbie: Butcher of Lyons'

wait, what? Klaus Barbie actually existed? I thought that was just a dumb pun in 'Ratrace' o_O
added on the 2005-11-23 09:04:33 by okkie okkie
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Ja, mein 3DS Duckie, ja
added on the 2005-11-23 09:43:53 by scoutski scoutski
Hadolf Itler - Kein Mampf

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added on the 2005-11-23 09:56:39 by freeze freeze
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added on the 2005-11-23 10:10:29 by scoutski scoutski
JFYI: Addi was an Austrian fellow.
foreigners ..
added on the 2005-11-23 11:40:20 by dalezr dalezr
madenmann: i was waiting for that comment!! 'yeah, you know, hitler was austrian, so the germans are not really to blame are they'

makes sense.. :)
added on the 2005-11-23 12:20:06 by okkie okkie
Okkie: regarding K.Barbie
and guess what happened after the war was over?
U.S. intelligence smuggled the most of the important
advisors of the "SD SS" and GeStaPo (SicherheitsDienst der SS, Geheime StaatsPolizei) -among
them the advisors and associates of Klaus Barbie and Eichmann f.e.- to the United States.
And now imagine on which psychologic tactics and "achievements" the nowadays U.S. inner policy and intelligence work bases on.
Sometimes this makes me ill inside when I think of that.
added on the 2005-11-23 12:59:13 by d0DgE d0DgE
and the most disgusting fakt:
those "desktop-murders" never got prosecuted in any way!
They earned U.S. citizenship for their knowledge, fine eh!
added on the 2005-11-23 13:01:29 by d0DgE d0DgE
<okkie> hey, the nazis were bad
<dodge> OMFG i'm so shocked, other people are bad too! i always thought only the nazis were bad!
added on the 2005-11-23 13:17:35 by skrebbel skrebbel
i know that happened to nazi scientists but i didn't know advisors got transported to the US too. For scientists it kinda makes sense to check what they know, technology was great during the 3rd reich. Scary indeed. And for Barbie, I actually thought that they made that up for the movie 'Ratrace' but it seems i was wrong. Is it actually allowed to watch those movies in germany? which have ww2/hitler/nazi referrences? oh, and would I be fined if i wore my Serial Killer t-shirt with Edward Norton in his 'American History X' role on it? (it says 'Made in America' underneath the picture, pretty decent shirt imho :))
added on the 2005-11-23 13:17:40 by okkie okkie
American History X of course...
About "Ratrace" ..dunno haven't seen it, yet.

In 1977 a very controverse documentation got aired and
caused a wave of ...mhm let's say "HOW COULD YOU DARE" shoutings to the creator.
He, Joachim C. Fest, who wrote it and Werner Rieb who did
all the Film editing etc. portraited the person Adolf Hitler
from his early days as a soldier in WWI untl the his suicide.
Fest annalyses the speeches, how the propaganda was ran by Hitler, Goebbels and his corporate mass media.
How they succeeded in getting rid of all political opponents and at least make the gros of the german population look (and think) away.

Title: "Hitler, eine Karriere" (Hitler, a career)
I don't know if this documentation is available with subtitles, but it got re-released on DVD 1 or 2 years ago.
added on the 2005-11-23 14:00:29 by d0DgE d0DgE
