Scener Maps
category: general [glöplog]
Yeah go on then.
nah, you just sucked the fun out of it :(
i cant find clueville on teh map0r ;((
ok, looks like a world map, so shall we agree that this demoscener map will include both eurotrash and panamericans?
what would panamerican do on a demoscene map??
look silly?
STOP THE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SCENE IS DEAD ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!
Crappy map. Doesn't even know the city I live in. Fuck it.
Interesting maps. I'll try to add teh CPC..
I accidentally added two Optimii in demoscene map. I had the Optimus/Anubis from C64 scene in the form and send it, but I wanted to send the Optimus/Nasty Bugs since this is my PC group and it fits better. But I see someone doesn't need to subscribe inorder to add self, although this way I can't edit my handle. Could you delete the Optimus/Anubis entry from demoscene map? ;P
Didn't you set an admin password for your map when you created it? You can remove people if you know the admin password...
Didn't you set an admin password for your map when you created it? You can remove people if you know the admin password...
Well, it's definately getting crowded in the Netherlands, I think I'll move to the CPC scene, seems to be much more room there :-) was a way better project dated 2001 or so, that sadly got very weak support.
nicccccccccce : )
very nice projects!
and i think the general demoscene map makes far more sense, to be honest.
Well, since there seem to be no filter capacity, let's add another map :-)
Lame. It messes up Å.
dixan, life and demoscene? doesn't match :)
Yeah, that's why it failed...
"do you believe in life after scene?"
"do you believe in life after scene?"
i want to believe.
the scene is out there!
xeron: No, I mean I added myself twice in a map (the demoscene map mentioned here) where I am not the admin :). That's a problem, so I ask the admins to remove the one entry if they are not bored to do so ;)