What did Alexei Shulgin do that was so interesting?
category: general [glöplog]
I'm still wondering.
What would Brian Boitano do?
and Ratzi ? Papa Ratzi ?
Alexander Shulgin maybe ? he has synthesized most of the phenethylamines known today ^_^
I think he means Alexei Shulgin.. The man behind "Form Art" see: http://www.c3.hu/collection/form.
(Most funny part would be that he didnt even code it himself.)
I'm doing a project on software art, and I see him refered to as "the father of net art" - and while he may have thought of some interesting concepts, the implementations are simply sad imo.
Maybe i'm just too stuck up in my own interpretation of what the net is.
But a page like universalpage.org claims and aims to be "an average of the internet" - in an interview Shulgin calls it "All the net" or something along those lines. But of course this is a logical fallacy, no one even has access to the entire internet, and it's more than likely that they missed a protocol or two. How do you represent the entire internet in a browser? WWW is not the internet!
These people seem too impressed with technology and has too little knowledge of it, to distance themselves so much from it as to be able to make relevant use of it.
At least this is my current impression.
Maybe i'm just too stuck up in my own interpretation of what the net is.
But a page like universalpage.org claims and aims to be "an average of the internet" - in an interview Shulgin calls it "All the net" or something along those lines. But of course this is a logical fallacy, no one even has access to the entire internet, and it's more than likely that they missed a protocol or two. How do you represent the entire internet in a browser? WWW is not the internet!
These people seem too impressed with technology and has too little knowledge of it, to distance themselves so much from it as to be able to make relevant use of it.
At least this is my current impression.
megadelux: well, it's quite common to have assistants do much of the work in an art project (among those who can afford it :) - But if you can't code something like that form page on your own, how can you claim to understand the net?
and the answer is: nothing
you never know. for instance, he could've recorded excellent homeporn but told nobody about it.
i'll be the 'father of pouet.net art':

haahah hmmm, or not :D
that's a burn.
still, it's art too. Rembrandt didnt do the Nightwatch as his first drawing too, right?!!?!?
Sure it's art maali. But it may be lacking in significance :P