What will you release at Evoke?
category: general [glöplog]
What will you and your team release at Evoke?
broderick: so gay ;)
Limp Ninja will rule the democompo with the best non-xbox demo ever made by mankind!
i guess thats 'Grafikal Jihad' ? *drumroll*
a stupid karaoke-demo which could have been done much better with flash.
I released a handpixeled space pr0n entry. HANDPIXELED!! No computer, reallife Tetris-style!
But I had to leave the party before the voting so I dunno if ppl liked it. :(
But I had to leave the party before the voting so I dunno if ppl liked it. :(
A flock of pigeons, to the wild.
It have me release some biiiig fart @Evoke !!! LoL
This was good party ! Thanxxxxx sooo much my friend to organise great event I have big funn ... Next times i want to listen more techno song in compo please compose more like tekno next time !
This was good party ! Thanxxxxx sooo much my friend to organise great event I have big funn ... Next times i want to listen more techno song in compo please compose more like tekno next time !
True. Re-submitting some HC techno to the MP3/OGG compo next year ;)
Enjoyable ziks, anyway.
Enjoyable ziks, anyway.