m00b qiestion - adding logos
category: general [glöplog]
How do I submit a logo to be shown at the top of the page? I mailed basile@pouet.net as one of the random messages say, but no answer, and the logo is not added to the heap. And I find nowhere to submit it on the page.
NOFLAMEPLEASE! I told you it was a n00b question.
NOFLAMEPLEASE! I told you it was a n00b question.
Logos are part of the worldwide Jewish plot, and you're not supposed to see them. Forget everything.
m00b qiestion!
When the time has come the lobster god will add them.
l00v vestuinf
you just have to BASS! a lot and it'll all work out.
I wouldn't hold your breath whilst waiting for a helpful answer from these lamos!
I wouldn't hold your breath whilst waiting for a helpful answer from these lamos!
So where's *your* helpful answer, Knacker? :-)
And actually Madenmann and Preacher already gave the right anwser :-)
And actually Madenmann and Preacher already gave the right anwser :-)
nitro: just wait. basile is busy most of the time.
no logos allowed here!
nitro, maybe you could post the logo here? basile is known to sometimes stroll the forums more actively than he checks his email. also, we want a peek.
nitro2k01: very easy... only 3 steps !!!
1) send 4 emails to basile over a year (random months) with your logo
2) then post here on pouet the logo one year later at least 3 times on BBS
3) then wait for nothing to happen :)
1) send 4 emails to basile over a year (random months) with your logo
2) then post here on pouet the logo one year later at least 3 times on BBS
3) then wait for nothing to happen :)
I didn't have a helpful answer so thought I'd blend in with the crowd =)
I didn't have a helpful answer so thought I'd blend in with the crowd =)
try to print your logo and attach it on your monitor, where are other pouet's logos
Kk, here's the logo for public viewing:

Or a link in case the img tag doesn't work: http://www2.hemsida.net/dtd/stuff/poueeet.gif
It's not a super-styled raytraced antialiased logo, but some shit I made with QBasic.
Preacher » Do you mean BASS as in the lower frequencies of music or as in Beneath A Steel Sky? I enjoy both, so don't worry :)

Or a link in case the img tag doesn't work: http://www2.hemsida.net/dtd/stuff/poueeet.gif
It's not a super-styled raytraced antialiased logo, but some shit I made with QBasic.
Preacher » Do you mean BASS as in the lower frequencies of music or as in Beneath A Steel Sky? I enjoy both, so don't worry :)
He means BASS, as in you should really read the forums and participate in the madness if you haven't a clue what that means here.
The logo isn't bad tho I would get rid of the !uglybutWTF bit.
The logo isn't bad tho I would get rid of the !uglybutWTF bit.
why? it's selfreflection :)
Preacher » Do you mean BASS as in the lower frequencies of music or as in Beneath A Steel Sky? I enjoy both, so don't worry :)
No, I bet he means as in the FISH.
The logo is finished, no more changes to it. Btw ut was meant yo be ugly, if I had wanted it to be really flashy and classy, I would have made it really flashy and classy, and that's what the UGLYBUTWTF part means.The logo isn't bad tho I would get rid of the !uglybutWTF bit.
sorry, not on my pouet.net!
UGLYBUTWTF is not an acceptable excuse for adding tripe to this site.
Actually it doesn't look that bad :)