
Booze or Girls?

category: residue [glöplog]
I'd go for booze today.
added on the 2005-08-08 21:32:26 by Optimus Optimus
both of ´em of coz!
added on the 2005-08-08 21:34:55 by NuKem NuKem
ohhhhhhhh! i was hoping for a long philosophical post when i saw that topic and that avatar :(
Yes please, more long philosophical posts on pouet!!1!
Otherwise we'll reply with "get a life"-style posts like that one:
Code:if ( (booze == alone.drink) && (girls == okcupid) ) life.get();
added on the 2005-08-08 22:16:59 by makc makc
booze. always.
smart girls don't like booze.
added on the 2005-08-08 23:09:24 by bzz bzz
Girls, sorry.
added on the 2005-08-08 23:10:51 by Preacher Preacher
boozy girls
added on the 2005-08-08 23:19:49 by skarab skarab
girly booze?
added on the 2005-08-08 23:20:48 by Preacher Preacher
girls, ofcourse. while booze is fun, it will never cook for you. nor will it clean your flat. etc etc. besides, try having sex with booze!
added on the 2005-08-08 23:27:48 by gemini gemini
booze -> girl -> breakup -> booze -> nice girl -> horrible breakup -> huge amount of booze -> girl ...

... and so on, and so forth ...
added on the 2005-08-08 23:29:13 by ManJIT ManJIT
dream: girls. reality: booze.

added on the 2005-08-08 23:31:43 by dipswitch dipswitch
booze girl booze. And then some girl.
added on the 2005-08-08 23:37:09 by Navis Navis
either way.. suicide!
added on the 2005-08-08 23:49:46 by el mal el mal
both. cause its possible
added on the 2005-08-08 23:56:28 by quisten quisten
Boozie, because he isn't a bitch.
added on the 2005-08-09 01:32:29 by gg|rhg gg|rhg
The choice is easy -- girls. (And easy girls are choice.)
socialism or evolution?
added on the 2005-08-09 06:21:40 by megamies megamies
booze made from girls
added on the 2005-08-09 10:10:49 by sauli sauli
A health shop I used to walk past in Helsinki on my way to work had a sign few years ago that said: "virgin juices for sale"
added on the 2005-08-09 12:04:05 by Preacher Preacher
Preacher: Gross!!!
added on the 2005-08-09 12:06:30 by ManJIT ManJIT
booze is way cheaper than girls. both things can influence your view on reality, both can kill you. oh and the worst thing is probably when boozing too much and waking up the next day right next to an ugly girl.
yet, booze doesn't nag.

-> both can cause trouble, but booze has quite some advantages.
added on the 2005-08-09 13:54:03 by red red
both things can influence your view on reality, but booze won't result in quitting the scene and selling your stuff on eBay.
How many sceners have even seen or talked to a girl? (your mom and internet pr0n don't count)...
added on the 2005-08-09 14:46:08 by DW DW
I'd go for a girl you can booze with...
added on the 2005-08-09 15:39:02 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
