How do you see the perfect scene soccer team?
category: general [glöplog]
Fast like Gargaj, long like ps, strong like Rup and skilled like jeenio. Together, they formed a team called
The Magnificent International Association Of Extremely Retarded Idiots Corp. GmbH ry Interactive Studios
and they ruled the world of scene soccer.
They make demos too.
The Magnificent International Association Of Extremely Retarded Idiots Corp. GmbH ry Interactive Studios
and they ruled the world of scene soccer.
They make demos too.
SKILLS! You hear me?!
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argh fuckit :D
Yes. It takes skills to master the ancient codes of this forum.
I don't think so. :)
ouch. :)
:) shit happens
teh rofl
haha, ownage inside ownage :D
and how it all went off-topic
starting from the very first reply. pretty amazing.
the perfect soccer team should be very wasted
i want hellfire, bombe and daniels as goalkeepers.
playing with a metaball?
I still think the UK Allstar team would have ruled, had we managed to find 4 of us all in the same spot, sober, long enough to sign up.
I guess next year we need to coordinate that better (:
I guess next year we need to coordinate that better (:
And actually the name is FOOTBALL, like in FOOTBALL'S COMING HOME!
I prefer FIZZBALL :-)
yes, better coordination next time. I wanna participate :)