what will you bring to boozembly?
category: general [glöplog]
so, beer, vodka? mint-booze? what is your choise for the best sceneboozeparty of the year?
My CHOICE is farging Arrogant Bastard, but it's NOT going to get here.
So I will make do with fire.
So I will make do with fire.
Boozembly t-shirts, for just 10 Euros each. This is part of the worldwide Jewish plot.
moskovskaya & turkisk peber!
plus i'll be selling cigarettes for an under-finnish price.
plus i'll be selling cigarettes for an under-finnish price.
Propably some DUNGEON HORROR!
Karhu still reigns supreme. Btw, bzm should really have some sort of a reliable booze storage system, for us lamers who want to visit Asm once in a while to check out compos. The "drink everything you have, walk inside blind drunk, watch compos, come back out and try to figure out where you can buy more booze" method has its limitations..
Ice cold (wishful thinking) cheap lager and wine for sunny days, strong and malty porter/rauchbier/dobbelbock and something similiar to " moskovskaya & turkisk peber" for rainy days.
You can always ask a friend or a stranger to watch after your booze if (s)he is going to stay at the rocks, but it limits his/her mobility quite much and there is always a danger that your drinks and consumed during the compo.
Another method is to hide the booze to the forest, but if you don't hide them very well, your drinks may have been consumed during the compo. If you hide them too well, you may not find them anymore.
Third method is to hide the booze to own/friend's car. This would be a good solution, but prepare to have some problems with security.
Life sucks :-(
Another method is to hide the booze to the forest, but if you don't hide them very well, your drinks may have been consumed during the compo. If you hide them too well, you may not find them anymore.
Third method is to hide the booze to own/friend's car. This would be a good solution, but prepare to have some problems with security.
Life sucks :-(
I will bring the DJ TOOL \o/
if I wouldn't go by plane I had brought a small selection of local german beer (read: not the usual crap like becks, but stuff that can sometiems be hard to buy 40km away from the brewery) to spread for free at bzm.
I have to go by ferry next time again... alot better.
so this way: I think I'll go for beer like karhu...
I have to go by ferry next time again... alot better.
so this way: I think I'll go for beer like karhu...
I think I'll go for Karhu mostly. I might drink some gin'n'something -stuff too. And I'm feeling really self-destructive I might buy a bottle of Magyar Fehér Bor, which I've done at two last boozemblies and always felt really bad after it (and not because of the alcohol in it).
i wont bring this

as said before, loads of taxfree booze/beer..
the choice of will be karhu
the choice of will be karhu
Oh, guess what someone should bring? The INVITATION.
the best storage is to park the car not in the parking lof ot hartwall arena, but to the parking lot closer to the shell gas station, which is fairly close to boozembly rocks and which does not have the security problem.
a booze-narikka would still be something that we need at bzm.
a booze-narikka would still be something that we need at bzm.
I am thinking about bringing a cooking pot.
tomcat: we do have the grill already.
break: yeah um we should prolly release that ... or um... yeah.
returning to working on my entry...
break: yeah um we should prolly release that ... or um... yeah.
returning to working on my entry...
fr-33, we still have a use for cooking pot even though we have the grill...
Ok. Tomcat: I recind my statement on not wanting pot, I want one now (:
Be warned, importing pot to Finland might be considered illegal.
like any other swede i will bring the joy of ferry-tax-free mintu.
nice to hear the minttu tradition will live on even without the expertise of dxm members.
i will bring boozie and some taxfree bears!
hard to say... so much time left still. ;)