
[serious] someone help me

category: general [glöplog]
there is an option to hide the bbs from the main page of pouet. i've done that, but after some time i missed it so much i needed to insert it again.

there is a mozilla extension to hide the annoying users' posts. i've done that, but after some time i missed it so much i needed to insert it again.

the intarweb is big and i could choose not to open pouet. i've done that, but after some time i missed it so much i needed to come back again.

my questions is simple: why?

i'm a busy bastard, i shouldn't waste my time here, specially with all these trolls... so why do i keep coming back? why do i have the need when i arrive home to check if there's a new thread, or if someone answered to my BASS comment?

does this mean that i don't have a life? real friends to hang out with? is my cat not enough entertainment?

of course it's nice to keep in touch with the very nice people from the scene - i won't say names, i feel connected to a vast number of sceners - but why HERE?

before you BASS me, and the likes, try to make a bit sense please. i'm really eager to know exactly why.

thank you.

(no reference to a certain portuguese demoparty this time)
added on the 2005-05-07 04:25:03 by jeenio jeenio
you mean Inercia Demoparty 2005 ?
added on the 2005-05-07 04:27:21 by EviL EviL
because you love me as well as all other nerds laying over here.

- rmeht.drunk -
added on the 2005-05-07 04:36:30 by rmeht rmeht
you my dear friend are suffering from a well known disease! one that has cursed us and terrified us for years without cease. one that has truly devoured our inner selfs of all purity and noble cause to ever set foot in your intentions! long have been the threads and discussions raised about such state in these very halls, by many dark adventurers who surprised themselfs caught in this curse. yet history insists in repeating itself.
the symptoms are clear and bright:
- lack of self-awareness cognitive response
- cold sweaty palms after hours of withdrawal
- said selection for the test-if-the-internet-is-working page
- easily arroused irritability

many have been the glopwhores who have succumbed to such condition. you can watch them slowly die off the top of glops chart every day, beeing assimilated by the phalanx, legion of other glopwhores willing to take their place.

pouetaddiction is a serious matter.
either you deal with it or you will be cursed with the troll labelling and absurd debates over ignobil insights and claims.

"choose a career! choose life!
i chose not to choose life!
i chose something else!"
added on the 2005-05-07 04:53:08 by psenough psenough
i would like to choose to have a normal life. but the scene has me.

there should be rehab for pouet addiction...
added on the 2005-05-07 04:59:40 by jeenio jeenio
There's nothing addictive about pouet.net. I've been visiting everyday for the past 4.5 years and I'm still not addicted.
Go to www.888.com
jeenio: it's either pouet or BASS rehearsals - choose :D
added on the 2005-05-07 12:25:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
easy choice :P
added on the 2005-05-07 12:53:28 by el mal el mal
yeah, we can browse pouet on breaks.
uuuh, guess again :P
added on the 2005-05-07 15:20:30 by el mal el mal
Don't make me drive to .nl and pick yer ass up for practice.

You know I'll bitch about it a lot.
Plus the truck's eyesight isn't what it used to be. He's personally responsible for 3 episodes of "Worlds Wildest Police Videos"...
added on the 2005-05-07 17:33:02 by defbase defbase
hahahaha, on our (truck and me) way from frankfurt to bingen, there was a cop behind us with the german 'please pull over'-sign.. luckily not for us (or well, we didnt cause a chase etc, so he prolly didnt want us to stop at that point :P)
added on the 2005-05-07 20:07:28 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2005-05-07 20:33:16 by havoc havoc
havoc you really RULE !!!! :DDD
added on the 2005-05-07 20:46:31 by apricot apricot
added on the 2005-05-07 22:05:19 by el mal el mal
Holy shit that's funny as hell (:
hey geeza

i know why u keep coming back

its because the demo scene is one of the only places left to be in this world that could mean something..

i said it was unsubstancial and left but then came back after i remembered that
it is a wordwide network and some people in it (maybe even evil) are really hoping seriously, given a chance, about having their own planet one day....i hope maybe one day soon a white horse will come raging in with a copy of the matrix operating system and hardware?

ive always wondered why we were all forced to put up with this what has become a dissfunctional unsustaining planet......

with mutual respect pouet.net should therefore be like one of those places where there is hope, even if you're just starting out with a 2D design.....

but even pouet has its bugs
and isnt it just great sorting them out! BASS!

its because we're all artists (like god(thou art in heaven) that the spirit and elevated intelligence resides here.....

it is addictive but for very good reasons
particularly if u have beliefs like this

someone overloaded his crackpipe here...
added on the 2005-05-08 21:58:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
jeenio: ask Optimus; i think he found a cure for it. :)

(im somewhat little addict myself. but it has been 5days since i last where here, so i guess its under control )
added on the 2005-05-08 22:56:49 by quisten quisten
jeenio, there is no hope. You're way too deep into this now.
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added on the 2005-05-08 23:49:05 by moT moT
