The demise of Grapevine/Ellesdee - THE FACTS!
category: general [glöplog]
*hole :oD
the defense rests.
bad it died, i wish you good luck at your comeback (if there will be one).
/me huggles ps
could the uk officially disown these people please? =)
BP2005 gone now so ukscene will close up till next party eh!
Bwahahaha. Odd how your argument's shifted since last time...
"Oh, sure, Breakpoint. But apart from Breakpoint, Assembly, Sundown, raww.orgy, the award nominations, the pub meets, the pubtros... the UK scene is COMPLETELY dead!!!!"
(Oh, and talking of the next UK party, it's a whole six days away. God, we really suck don't we?)
sooo.. this means... the Blitzbasic scene died in 2005 :((
codeman you pussy, devistator is one of the uk's top amiga ascii artists over years. and who the fuck are you.
"non production ?
only production i seen from divistator is "come to the party"
and hows the ukscene non productivity coming along these days ?
BP2005 gone now so ukscene will close up till next party eh! dv$"
ho hum.. theres a music disk in production at the moment with gfx by me - no not a party release. I have just finished graphics for a c64 demo for TRSI, im working on a GBA demo for Assembly (and yes you cant code in shitz basic on GBA).
seems im a little to inactive, especially as theres no immediate parties to go to... shame on me.
disown? put down more like.
only production i seen from divistator is "come to the party"
and hows the ukscene non productivity coming along these days ?
BP2005 gone now so ukscene will close up till next party eh! dv$"
ho hum.. theres a music disk in production at the moment with gfx by me - no not a party release. I have just finished graphics for a c64 demo for TRSI, im working on a GBA demo for Assembly (and yes you cant code in shitz basic on GBA).
seems im a little to inactive, especially as theres no immediate parties to go to... shame on me.
disown? put down more like.
i wanna join the ukscene!!!
while the rest of the scene probably got quite shielded from these ellesdee guys - and that explains why this thread was met with a host of "who? hello? was?" - unfortunately the uk scene had to suffer them for a while. not a long while obviously, cos they soon got bored and went away again.
in case you were wondering, here's why we didnt like them very much - the brief review of ellesdee hisory:
- they appeared on the scene with a very, very ugly revival/steal of a very good, famous diskmag, with all the name-stealing implications that go with it
- while the presentation of it was bad, the scene-related articles really were laughable. basically it consisted of "the scene is dead" and "the scene isnt what it used to be" and "damn those euro weenies". extremely well researched stuff, as you can imagine. fast way for diskmag makers to get the backs up of some of their target audience.
- naturally, because it sucked and because it was namestealing, most of the world who actually noticed it dissed them, often in public. rather than take it on the chin, they hit back with a lot more of the "damn you euro weenies" attitude.
- they released some "oldschool cracktro"-style things. in blitz. which ran slowly on a very fast pc, but would work fine on a a500. yea, top quality - thats what oldschool is all about, right? again, everyone dissed them, but rather than take it on the chin or say "ok, it's our first prod, it's not great but we are trying" they preceded to argue with everyone who didnt take them as the greatest oldschool-style thing ever - if you dont like it, it's cos you are a clueless noob who doesnt remember the early 90s cracktros, or else has (*shock*) moved on to THIS DECADE, DAMN YOU!. oh yea - apparently they arent newbies, they were active in the scene in the early 90s, and a lot more oldschool than any of us. anyone remember any of them?
- one day, they suddenly decided that they did "get" the scene after all, and that it wasnt dead after all - that they did want to be part of it. being the nice guys we are, we welcomed them even after all the bullshit that had come before. invited them to pubmeets and breakpoint trips, the usual things sceners do. we figured, ok they were clueless noobs who made a bad entrance, but forgive that and move on.
- soon after, they decided that the idea of going to breakpoint is really sad and nerdy, and that they'd rather sit at home and play with their linux box (or "go see their real friends, not computer friends"). but they did also say "btw, sad losers going to bp, could you make a party report for our mag?".
seeing as most of us sad losers actually were going to bp and thought it was a good idea, we were a bit insulted. a long and drawn-out argument erupted.
- ellesdee decided to quit, firstly because they decided the scene is for sad losers, and secondly because they didnt get enough support from the scene's sad losers for making their (appallingly presented and name-stealing) web mag.
and that's the story of ellesdee, from a scene perspective.
the end.
(airing your country's dirty laundry in public rules, no?)
poor smash and other uksceners-that-do-get-it.
maybe i should extend my chain of a certain store to your country too, it seems there are a lot of people who need to visit it once or maybe even twice.
oh, and probably see you all (cool uk sceners) at sundown05!!
maybe i should extend my chain of a certain store to your country too, it seems there are a lot of people who need to visit it once or maybe even twice.
oh, and probably see you all (cool uk sceners) at sundown05!!

Well done m8. Same old shit different day! lol
Well done m8. Same old shit different day! lol
Devistator is a well known Ascii artist and has been a quite famous swapper of the Amiga demoscene some years ago. And who the heck are you esddaz?? Does that mean Pazza of LSD or what's behind your name? But wait, don't explain, I am not really interested to know it.
Danger, incoming defbase.
Smash and devs are right. UK'ers are pretty close knit. We all know each other and we're mostly all around the same places (eg, sal's board). There have been a few new ppl turn up "recently" (last few years) but I'd never even heard of esddaz before this thread. I'd heard about the new grapevine thing, but I thought that was from the Area51 lot... So, uh, there was no reason for me to post this other than wanting to stand in the crowd shouting "yeah, little bitches!".
IMO namestealing is a seriously bad idea no matter who you are. That includes all the big name groups that suddenly reappeared a few years back with brand new members who had nothing to do with the originals...
Now I'm off to complain about the death of the scene. Cause I can. Yeah!
Smash and devs are right. UK'ers are pretty close knit. We all know each other and we're mostly all around the same places (eg, sal's board). There have been a few new ppl turn up "recently" (last few years) but I'd never even heard of esddaz before this thread. I'd heard about the new grapevine thing, but I thought that was from the Area51 lot... So, uh, there was no reason for me to post this other than wanting to stand in the crowd shouting "yeah, little bitches!".
IMO namestealing is a seriously bad idea no matter who you are. That includes all the big name groups that suddenly reappeared a few years back with brand new members who had nothing to do with the originals...
Now I'm off to complain about the death of the scene. Cause I can. Yeah!
Poor old dv$, he'll be very bored now the ESD forum has closed. No more sources to leave his obscure cockbambi bollox. Strange boy.
Hallo! ?? Oh dear, the slime has spilled over into here now.
Hallo! ?? Oh dear, the slime has spilled over into here now.
Good, cos I aint interested in fuckin tellin ya!
@defbase: The UK scene is basically 2 gay boys (Smash and dv$) and most of the others are ass kissing wannabes lol
I thought we'd left on good terms with a few of the other UKers but it seems that the l33t bum bashers have poisoned their minds as they sit on #ukscene slagging ESD off. Shame really, our presence livened up a dead ass IRC channel temporarily but now it really is good to be shot of the miniscule UK demoscene and worldwide scene for that matter.
bysie bye!
Good, cos I aint interested in fuckin tellin ya!
@defbase: The UK scene is basically 2 gay boys (Smash and dv$) and most of the others are ass kissing wannabes lol
I thought we'd left on good terms with a few of the other UKers but it seems that the l33t bum bashers have poisoned their minds as they sit on #ukscene slagging ESD off. Shame really, our presence livened up a dead ass IRC channel temporarily but now it really is good to be shot of the miniscule UK demoscene and worldwide scene for that matter.
bysie bye!
Andrew: *<sup>5</sup>*
Well done to DIVIstator .. cant handle the truth and has banned me from #ukscene .. LOL
Least when im asked something i answer it not cry and kick/ban people!!....
Very childish ....
@Smash: Dazzaboy asked IF any body would do a report for GV ...I dont remember anyone calling you a looser for going to a party .. Sarek said a few things but apologised next day for saying them...
I joined ESD around GV issue 3 so had nothing to do with the GV or Ellesdee name. I thought rather than argue about it i would help out instead.
"sooo.. this means... the Blitzbasic scene died in 2005 :(( "
And whats this shit all about ?
Whats this got to do with ESD/GV ????
Zildjian released 2 intros with blitz so he could knock something out quickly . I think theres a few more people/groups using blitz basic.
"let's hope this isnt some Optimus-like act :)"
Whats and optimus act ?
There is a few decent people in #ukscene like Evilpaul and 1 or 2 others i cant think of right now.
But most are idiots like Divi and gasbag
Least when im asked something i answer it not cry and kick/ban people!!....
Very childish ....
@Smash: Dazzaboy asked IF any body would do a report for GV ...I dont remember anyone calling you a looser for going to a party .. Sarek said a few things but apologised next day for saying them...
I joined ESD around GV issue 3 so had nothing to do with the GV or Ellesdee name. I thought rather than argue about it i would help out instead.
"sooo.. this means... the Blitzbasic scene died in 2005 :(( "
And whats this shit all about ?
Whats this got to do with ESD/GV ????
Zildjian released 2 intros with blitz so he could knock something out quickly . I think theres a few more people/groups using blitz basic.
"let's hope this isnt some Optimus-like act :)"
Whats and optimus act ?
There is a few decent people in #ukscene like Evilpaul and 1 or 2 others i cant think of right now.
But most are idiots like Divi and gasbag
bloody hell. refreshed the page and replies already.
See, this is why #ukscene can't be trusted without me in the channel ;)
See, this is why #ukscene can't be trusted without me in the channel ;)

I absolutely love it when you change "devi" to "divi", gets me in stitches! :)
keep the entertainment rolling... is that hole deep enough yet?
answer my question codeman: what is your age?
and as for the kickban.. I found it funny ;D cheered me up after a long slog at work.
When I say HALLO! you say...........?
come on devistator!!! these ellesdee kids sound like the creme dela creme, just like richie b and some other gipsies shane once filmed. Unban that poor chap codeman! he needs to visit a certain shoppe more often!!!
come on devistator!!! these ellesdee kids sound like the creme dela creme, just like richie b and some other gipsies shane once filmed. Unban that poor chap codeman! he needs to visit a certain shoppe more often!!!