horrid platform icons
category: general [glöplog]
maybe we can combine both :-)
maybe add a . to it.. so its .js instead of just js.. would make more sense in my disturbed brain :)
ok let's combine both with a dot!
Ok, ok. Let's add a dot.

Excellent, thanks folks. Javascript will dominate. Soon.
Oh yes it will ;)
Hello, I'm back again to continue my mission of filling the Pouet database with weird obscure platforms.
iPod icon please.
iPod icon please.
ok, let's try : 

didnt know ipods were the size of a gameboy :P
It's roughly the size of a GameBoy .. micro :p
Another take :
Another take :

ps, how about adding a vectrex platform? there are two productions already. would be cool.
i did one, but these are not as good as those ones.

And mine's not an iPod. But I personally prefer p01's icon.

And mine's not an iPod. But I personally prefer p01's icon.
*this is not as good as
.. sorry, i'm sick and i can't think atm.
.. sorry, i'm sick and i can't think atm.
dipswitch: which
prods ?

hmm there was also one vectrex demo from altparty, no?
added both
here ya go for the PlayStation Portable:

Titus made some icons for our long time awaited Atari VCS category:

they're great!
MadenMann: in case you did not notice, these icons don't follow the pattern we try to keep since the beginning for all platform icons :)
The VCS icons are just an idea and can be modified.
The colors originate from old original packages, and are typical for VCS 2600.
Maybe anyone is able to shrink an old Atari-joystick into it. ;)
The colors originate from old original packages, and are typical for VCS 2600.
Maybe anyone is able to shrink an old Atari-joystick into it. ;)
Keops: I'm aware of that fact. But I've asked several people several times to make an icon, this is the first result I received - pretty well done I think. Now ps is able to create a VCS category with an unique icon. If someone does a better one he still can change it.
they are very cool! they just have to be inserted into that black-grey frame all other platform icons have.