danish scene reboned
category: general [glöplog]
No you dummys its 70 virgins. geeez...and you have to wear a gaza jacket for it to apply.
nytrik stop trying to cater to the norwegians by calling them danish.. they never has been and never will be part of our glorious nation.
I dunno how many groups in denmark are "active" i define that as "having released something within the last 2-3 years".. by that definition we aint totally dead yet :) I plan to kill the danish demoscene myself though, as an exercise to finally executing my masterplan of killing the entire scene.. all in order to claim that coveted topic on pouet: NICO KILLS THE SCENE!
I dunno how many groups in denmark are "active" i define that as "having released something within the last 2-3 years".. by that definition we aint totally dead yet :) I plan to kill the danish demoscene myself though, as an exercise to finally executing my masterplan of killing the entire scene.. all in order to claim that coveted topic on pouet: NICO KILLS THE SCENE!
nic0..piss off, that's my plan!
That was the most un-elite thing at the whole party :P
*shhhhhhh* - kan du også høre din mor råber, at det er sengetid?
they never has been and never will be part of our glorious nation.
but then again, it explains why norwegians fraternise with the french, have oil money, kill cute animals for sport (decadence) etc etc and why danish people still grow their own food, have animal porn and don't go out for drinks in the week.
Dominei will rebone the danish scene from behind!
"reboned" ?
Lort BajsBajs: it was the single most elite moment of the party, and the pride of the whole TBC history!
heh nice topic :)
lord graga.. hvad taler du om?
dominei.. i'm looking forward to see you here in 8860 massive for a pre SE meeting.. IF you feel like watching animal porn?
lord graga.. hvad taler du om?
dominei.. i'm looking forward to see you here in 8860 massive for a pre SE meeting.. IF you feel like watching animal porn?
ja faen - kom igjen nå danmark, vis oss at dere ikke er døde - gi oss blasphemy og purple tilbake! :)
javel ja... vi anses for døde... det der bliver lavet tæller ikke... ? det er da rart at høre... der går lidt for meget elitelort og bbs råben i det hele... wankers.. all of us
denmark, norway, big deal. we all know that sweden was and is THE scene nation. i don't even need to mention groups, you know what i mean..
cheesy: dude, ha litt selv-ironi og bli med på morroa :)
indeed, fuckings til selvhøjtidelige aber og folk der bitcher over ting andre har gjort sig umage med.
og gloom lav noget mere musik, du er så skidevild at du gør mig helt sugen på at blive norsk i stedet for svensk.
og gloom lav noget mere musik, du er så skidevild at du gør mig helt sugen på at blive norsk i stedet for svensk.
gloom jaja det er også rigtig nok.. :) men folk på dette bbs er stadig nogle wankere der burde finde på noget mere konstruktiv :) pouet is poison
DET er så sant som det er sagt. :)
nic0/cheesy - scandinavian takeover at assembly 2005? who's with me? :)
nic0/cheesy - scandinavian takeover at assembly 2005? who's with me? :)
i am, if i had a shitload of money, damn its expensive to go there...
Damn you nic0 - if I wasn't so lazy I would go to your place and kick your butt :D
And yeah - let's have some days of animal pron watching before SE :)
And yeah - let's have some days of animal pron watching before SE :)
and some days of making animal porn during SE.
gloom: synd at både asm og se kræsjer med eliten av den norske scenens arbeid.
den norske scene er en flok uuddannede torskespisere, og eliten er de eneste der har fundet ud af at koge den!
rolig, nico...rolig. glem nu ikke hvem som skal finansiere dyrepornofilmen.