
Sincere apologies

category: general [glöplog]
"i just hope you love to hate me as much as i hate to love you"

wow, thats really deep ps. As for the rest i find myself in complete agreement with you.
added on the 2005-04-02 04:50:47 by NoahR NoahR
This thread is more interesting than most demo compos. :)

i can only suggest a strict diet of deesbab, bakkslide7 and hplus to compensate your unbalance.

Though, I hope you still realize the difference between those classic intros and pure white noise demos.
added on the 2005-04-02 10:13:12 by tomaes tomaes
you're all nazis.
added on the 2005-04-02 10:47:22 by nosfe nosfe
mais non
added on the 2005-04-02 11:10:19 by SilkCut SilkCut
tomaes: your lack of understanding towards the noise genre is your own problem to deal with. no distinction required.
added on the 2005-04-02 11:14:29 by psenough psenough
It would be interesting to learn more about the noise genre, especially from the makers of such demos: Why do they do it? What is their intention? Do they actually enjoy watching such things?
added on the 2005-04-02 15:50:19 by Adok Adok
well, i like to think of it as a strict electronic translation of the punk, gore, hardcore genres that have been floating around for longer. the problem is most ppl who dont get noise also dont quite get the point behind these genres either so it isnt very useful to mention them in the end.
best way i can think of to try to understand the noise genre is to start off listening to post-rock, it's easy to empathise with and leads to those states of mind where shitloads more of the same that has already been playing for the past 2 minutes is more then welcome..

major problems with noise beeing hard to understand (imho):
- it usually lacks the build up, too extreme intro for some ppl to bother trying to get into the mood.
- ppl have hard time enjoying feeling other peoples frustration. rather be listening something pleasant.
- lots of pretentious artists out there who just do "noise" and call it noise, without really knowing wtf they're doing exactly, they just want to annoy others, dont really see it as a serious outlet. subconcious outlets can be interesting but they usually make stupid newbie mistakes that just kills the mood more then builds it up. ends up not going anywhere.

and then there is the more punk noise, the japnoise, the glitchfuck powernoise, the radio station change kinda noise. some are easier to get into then others, some make sense right away, others never quite clicked sense in me. as all genres, it depends on the track and on the maker if its worth listening again or not.

if we enjoy listening to noise?
kooi vs minimalartifact untitled bp05 intro lasts 18 minutes. you have any idea how many fucking times i had to listen to it start to check if the syncs were working as planned or the next slide transition was working ok? not to mention test the loop mode whenever some recoding messing with the main do-while variables changed.
fuck, im masoquist with girls not with my ears, if i didnt feel and enjoyed the greatness of the track i wouldnt be coding it..
added on the 2005-04-02 16:09:37 by psenough psenough
gemini, paniq: yeh well, you're stuck in the "scene should be fun not art" mentality.

stuck is such an ugly word. let's say i'm lounging there.

i also would like to apologise in advance for any traumatique experiences that you will keep experiencing at demoparties, couz we care about emotion not just skills and jokes, and we're sceners too, we aint going anywhere.

i also would like to apologise in advance for any traumatique experiences that you will keep experiencing at demoparties, couz we care about skills and jokes, not just emotion, and we're sceners too, we aint going anywhere.
added on the 2005-04-02 16:42:38 by paniq paniq
oh ps, and just because you were going on about noise here and noise there, i'm doing that too. but i'm not submitting that stuff to parties.


added on the 2005-04-02 16:45:42 by paniq paniq
paniq: lounge all you want wherever and whenever you want, as long as you dont destroy other peoples viewing experience im a happy camper about it.

i wonder what gave you an impression that i cant enjoy joke or technical prods.
added on the 2005-04-02 16:47:30 by psenough psenough
I think all these noise demos would be alot more understandable if the persons who produced them made atleast semi-okayish productions previously in their demoscene lifes - where they btw. themselves liked prety much the same stuff as other people did.. But they didnt do anything then, they acctually didn't do ANYTHING.. Before the noise prods..

Seriously, nobody knows why we shouldnt disqualify you from democompos, its not what people expect or want to see in a democompo, so why not just stfup? Spread your stuff on the internet, buy yourself projectors and watch it like that.
added on the 2005-04-02 16:53:27 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
paniq: i wouldnt advise you to release noise tracks at demoparties either, juries always preselect the noise stuff out of the music compos (with good claims to do so most of the time i might add), its hard to do noise that excels over the drum/pop/melodic/cheese stuff on technical and emotional level. even when it's done in an intricate and high tech+emotional way it usually gets churned out as too "experimental". actually, now you got me tempted to try and make noise/glitch/idm tracks hightech enough to not get preselected. but whats the point, the big parties will always rather choose dnb ambient trance stuff to please audience and the small ones will play anything you throw at them. waste of time, rather work on an album or demo.
added on the 2005-04-02 16:55:03 by psenough psenough
stefan: actually, ppl would just say something like what they're saying about fr-045 life after, that the good days of that awesome group are over drowing in shitty pseudo art crap. :)
and you would have wasted 3 years of your life developing an engine doing demos you'd rather have done diferently.

i'll give more examples even: asd's latest demo.
most of kooma's stuff, like yearning.

most demowatchers simply dont get it, even when the skills are there, they just see shit that they cant understand. and hei, who can blame them, they're used to clean 3d engines and cheesy trance beeing the cool. lack of openmindedness if you ask me, but im sure i'll get insulted for claiming that. ppl dont like getting their tastes criticized. ^^ nosfe hates them even more for it, i simply dont give a fuck if they're happy in their little closed corner or not. living a happy fantasy is usually easier then trying to unravel reality, i can accept how some ppl choose to subcounsciously keep to their niche of understanding, or atleast taking it slower to broaden it.

i think im ranting now.....
added on the 2005-04-02 17:06:26 by psenough psenough

Seriously, nobody knows why we shouldnt disqualify you from democompos, its not what people expect or want to see in a democompo, so why not just stfup? Spread your stuff on the internet, buy yourself projectors and watch it like that.

you could say the same for the joke demos actually :)
ofcourse you wouldnt couz you go all OMFG its SO KEWL JOKE about them most of the time, but i mean, most of them are crap in the end (from the artyfaggot and the normal non artyfaggot point of view) so why should we be forced to watch them?

like the metalvotze dude said, respect all things made by sceners please, you dont like to see them thats cool, but its not just your scene, we're all sceners here, please let the few of us who enjoy these prods enjoy them. if you care to try and understand them you got an oportunity, if you dont you can go outside for a smoke or a beer or a chat.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:19:01 by psenough psenough
ps, credits from fr-045:
" visualice ~ gfx
ps ~ music"

ok.. lets see.. what did visualize and you do in the product, the popular demo, candytron, poem to a horse etc etc etc..

if you see the fr demos visualize have been apart of, they have never really been appreciated here on pouet or in the compos...

and, well, kooma makes shitloads of different stuff and styles, who cares? so does fr.. but its not like they would cry if they would get disqf.. they know that fr-minus prods CAN get disqlf etc..
added on the 2005-04-02 17:19:01 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
ps, i dont complain if any of my prods would be disqualified, "that's life", having people cancelling my stuff because people screamed and shouted... oh yeah.. did i care? nah.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:20:56 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan: you're saying visualice never did any decent demos?
how about deleted scenes, that was pretty decently diferent even for the narrowminded "im bored of visualice style" bullshit idealists who cant get that he's doing diferent styles with his own touch at every freaking demo.

the dif with fr-minus is that they label them as inferior productions while us more artyfaggots just see prods as beeing prods, they arent inferior couz of beeing "experimental" or abstract, they're just another exploration of what we enjoy fucking with.

why the hell am i wasting time explaining to you art demos? its impossible for you understand. its the damn reason why you hate me even. why the hell would you start understanding it now.. i'll just go away now.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:24:09 by psenough psenough
Deleted scenes:
"[rulez] 37
[piggie] 30
[sucks] 9

popularity :
2 %

average rating 0.37"

The popular demo:
"[rulez] 273
[piggie] 42
[sucks] 13

popularity :
99 %

publics choicebest demobest effectsbest soundtrack
average rating 0.79"

And no, i didnt say visualize never did anything good. But in farbrausch, no.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:26:58 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan: yeh well i didnt complain about graerk nor gomen nasai beeing censored either. but i still feel its wrong. its the orgas demoparty though, if they dont agree with my vision of freedom of speech, its their prerogative to censor things.
i wont ever do it on my demoparty though, and i'll quit organizing it if my co-organizers vote against me on that.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:27:14 by psenough psenough
i wonder what gave you an impression that i cant enjoy joke or technical prods.

i wonder what gave you an impression that i cant enjoy emotional prods.

the thing with those two wild productions is, it is obviously and fully intended boring. youre being punks, but you start whining likes pussies when you are treated as such. if we had proper preselection for wild and demo competitions just as we have for music (which will happen), you'll just try to advertise your unimaginary universe of boredness elsewhere.

truth is: you and nosfe, your stuff is worthless - and again, it wouldn't deserve any comments. but although i should have learned better, i can't hold it this time: the people who made this obviously lack the slightest idea of composition in every single dimension being used or missused. and the "nice interpretation" is: you don't have the slightest talent. you should better stop doing this, it's annoying.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:27:50 by paniq paniq

bah! this is going nowhere.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:29:05 by psenough psenough
paniq: i give up. you win. me and nosfe are talentless.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:30:50 by psenough psenough
added on the 2005-04-02 17:31:26 by paniq paniq
ps, it was YOU who started comparing visualizes fr prods against other fr prods, saying they where not so bad compared to other stuff.. well.. i compared them.. and now you go all bitchy agian as paniq explained.. yah yah.
added on the 2005-04-02 17:33:47 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
thats not what i said. it is however the best way you found to inflame the discussion into serving your purposes.

dont you actually get tired of distorting discussions like that all the time? it was annoying and frustating at first but now it just gets boring and timeconsuming stefan. cant you find a more original approach to finding flaws in other peoples arguments? :)
added on the 2005-04-02 17:58:31 by psenough psenough
