
Last person to ever post in this thread wins!

category: residue [glöplog]
Not fun any more? Stop posting then!
added on the 2024-04-23 14:15:44 by xeron xeron
I didn't know it was that simple.
added on the 2024-04-24 00:43:02 by ringofyre ringofyre
Well, it isn't.
added on the 2024-04-24 08:41:16 by SiR SiR
Isn't it?
added on the 2024-04-24 15:37:48 by xeron xeron
yes. and no.
added on the 2024-05-08 17:41:17 by xeron xeron
added on the 2024-05-17 11:07:05 by xeron xeron
free n00t
added on the 2024-05-17 17:25:24 by CeRi CeRi
You are in a comfortable tunnel like hall. to the east there is the round green door!

You see:
The wooden chest.
Gandalf. Gandalf is carrying a curius map.

Gandalf gives the curious map to you.
Thorin wait.
added on the 2024-05-18 15:16:54 by JustEpyx JustEpyx
added on the 2024-06-19 07:57:33 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Hydrogen buns
added on the 2024-06-20 14:18:18 by Emod Emod
are not
added on the 2024-06-20 15:02:51 by StingRay StingRay
very tasty
added on the 2024-09-09 13:54:23 by CeRi CeRi
This thread must be locked immediately!
This thread must be locked immediately!
added on the 2024-09-24 18:01:55 by SiR SiR
Nope, a surname used by the ruling family of West Timor's Amanuban princedom
added on the 2024-09-24 20:05:16 by Emod Emod
Last person to ever post in this thread will be Gargaj anyway.
added on the 2024-09-24 20:43:50 by SiR SiR
