

category: general [glöplog]
Sure, loads of shit of me from the past i'm not proud of and i wish i could delete, but it also shows i've grown cause it repulses me now.

Maybe I inherently (and perhaps unjustified) connect you to shitposting, idk.

There are a bunch of threads that have 3 people just posting at each other (the ai threads, the small c music thread) and some threads with like 3 posts and a few demoparty announcements, which I admit are useful and would be missed.
added on the 2024-09-23 12:00:58 by okkie okkie
just to say ...

I love pouet. It is a unique website. For most people nowdays, internet is only just a handful of services - facebook, youtube etc. Pouet is a light website, loads fast, no ads, looks cute and it is "different".

I've learned a lot of things over the years from the BBS, also from comments on productions. To be honest I wouldn't' have bothered much with producing if there was no feedback medium. It's nice to be at the party of course, but even better to see people appreciate or critisize your work in all eternity.

I can still remember the excitement (within our greek scene) back in early 2001 about this site. It brought lots of people back from the "dead".

there have been arguments of course; some of them are reasonable and it's what humans do. Some other times people just flip out and shit on the oneliner or bbs. Of course there is an element of "neurodiversity" that must be strong within this community.
But I can see that the moderation is a lot tighter in the past 5 years than it used to be. Recently I thought " Hey there was this girls with hardware or something bbs topic, what happened to it". It's gone, together with other such bullshit; but the good stuff that maters (ie "demolike videos...") is still around. I don't know if this is a Gargaj effect or just people getting more mature or what.. you tell me !
added on the 2024-09-23 12:46:54 by Navis Navis
So if this is turning into "what should pouet be" then here we go:

Prod comments:
I'd be sad to see this go. If it's currently moderated by single admin, that should be fixed, but other than that I think it's mostly fine.

Good for demoparty announcements and occasionally has interesting posts, which too often turn into shitshow. If this is actually handled by single admin that sounds like a mistake in the first place. Small team of mods + tools for users to call moderator anonymously and maybe post-splitting tools (I don't know if this currently exist - I might have false memory of seeing a split post once). Recent OpenGL newbiew thread is good example of promising thread turning into weird with certain users "Code Vulkan while sitting on pile of burning goal or GTFO lamerz"-attidute. All that stuff could have been split or that specific user could have been banned from that specific thread. I know I'm not only one who rolled their eyes on those comments, but pouet really doesn't have any user-tools for notifying mods outside leaving more bbs comments.

Seriously if this gives headache to admin and moderators just let it go. I doubt there is a single person that would miss it.

I'm honestly surprised site main admin does all this moderation grunt work. In many online-communities nowadays the admins don't really need to care about day-to-day-moderation and act more as a person in charge of longer term issues.
added on the 2024-09-23 12:51:36 by sauli sauli
Bit of both probably. Some people have been removed, people have grown up, interests have changed etc.

I no longer use social media as they are all terrible hellholes, so having some kind of connection to parties, events, people is nice too. This not a scene problem, but a problem of the internet just being a piece of shit rn. Discord is nice, but i'm also in like 20 discords now and keeping up with them is tiring, so I just don't bother. :(
added on the 2024-09-23 12:52:23 by okkie okkie
I no longer use social media as they are all terrible hellholes, so having some kind of connection to parties, events, people is nice too. This not a scene problem, but a problem of the internet just being a piece of shit rn. Discord is nice, but i'm also in like 20 discords now and keeping up with them is tiring, so I just don't bother. :(

Exactly this. 100% this. For one reason or another, I don't interact with many scene people in "real life" outside of parties and I haven't been to those in ages due to life and other stuff. I quit social media completely. Right now I am in the middle of making a comeback thing (shhhh... don't tell anyone) but if I didn't have this connection to the scene, I don't think I would find it that relevant. Would that be a loss for the world? I dunno. Maybe? Is it worth Gargaj's or someone else's pain? Of course not. But it would be sad to see this small part of connection go.
added on the 2024-09-23 13:08:06 by Preacher Preacher
Ban a bunch of incel losers and you'll get the snowflake brigade calling you the woke cancel mob, try to tolerate them and and the vibe keeps deteriorating until only the loudest shitposters are left.

So true.

Gargaj gets sh*t for doing moderation every single time, with the usual "So now we get a ban for disagreeing with Gargaj?!?" or "Gargaj is a horrible person, he banned that user from Pouet, let me write another book about him"

I really admire Gargaj's patience and dedication...
added on the 2024-09-23 14:09:31 by keops keops
i logged in after ~5 years to say: Thank you for your service Gargaj 🫡
added on the 2024-09-23 15:32:46 by nagz nagz
On a1k.org, a german Amiga retro computer forum, there are 2 administrators really doing only the functional stuff (servers, forum software updates etc.) while a team of 15-20 moderators cares for the threads and users.

The rules are quite strict there and all registrations are manually checked - also you can use some areas only when you made a bunch of verified postings first. Access to the marketplace is only permitted when you send a scan of your passport. And they seem to have an internal board where they can vote for/against someone or maybe even have some kind of system where they store problematic cases.

Just saying, to reduce the stress for the moderators they implemented different limitations and helper systems also on a technical level to support the moderators doing their job. And by having many moderators always involved there is at no time a situation where you as moderator feel alone, especially when being threated by some crazy zx warhead. I understand you want full diversity here but maybe that's just not possible with the current constellation as it's too stressful to cope with.

Of course thank you Gargaj but as far as I understand it you really wanted (and I guess, in your heart still want) to make the scene a better place but that only works as long as people are reasonable - and for all the others there need to be strict rules - even for those who are here a long time and sometimes cannot resist posting their bullshit. And even bans done by some kind of board so there's not the sole admin taking all the responsibility.

If sceners here are able to establish something like that, and share the work, there's a way to preserve this (still lovely) community here. I would really miss this place, pouet.net is (in my eyes) the only real online social space for demosceners.
added on the 2024-09-23 15:56:07 by neoman neoman
So if this is turning into "what should pouet be" then here we go:

Prod comments:
I'd be sad to see this go. If it's currently moderated by single admin, that should be fixed, but other than that I think it's mostly fine.

Good for demoparty announcements and occasionally has interesting posts, which too often turn into shitshow. If this is actually handled by single admin that sounds like a mistake in the first place. Small team of mods + tools for users to call moderator anonymously and maybe post-splitting tools (I don't know if this currently exist - I might have false memory of seeing a split post once). Recent OpenGL newbiew thread is good example of promising thread turning into weird with certain users "Code Vulkan while sitting on pile of burning goal or GTFO lamerz"-attidute. All that stuff could have been split or that specific user could have been banned from that specific thread. I know I'm not only one who rolled their eyes on those comments, but pouet really doesn't have any user-tools for notifying mods outside leaving more bbs comments.

Seriously if this gives headache to admin and moderators just let it go. I doubt there is a single person that would miss it.

I'm honestly surprised site main admin does all this moderation grunt work. In many online-communities nowadays the admins don't really need to care about day-to-day-moderation and act more as a person in charge of longer term issues.

These are great suggestions in my opinion. I would volunteer to be part of a comment/bbs moderation team, as long as it's a team of 5-10 people that could discuss and vote (which can happen on a different platform), because
just look at the current list of bbs topics and there's only 1 residue thread and it's mostly informative content. so yeah, there's rotten apples, but there's a lot of apples.

just look at the current list of bbs topics and there's only 1 residue thread and it's mostly informative content. so yeah, there's rotten apples, but there's a lot of apples.

I wouldn't shed a tear for the oneliner though. I did my fair part of shitposting there as well, I admit.
added on the 2024-09-23 16:27:25 by v3nom v3nom
yeah, maybe one day we will be able to edit posts as well
added on the 2024-09-23 16:28:14 by v3nom v3nom
Analogue has last posted on the BBS in 2017, so I take it, that they are no longer active, and there will be no administrators, and pouet.net will cease to exist, and Gargaj would like to take zero responsibility for this outcome.
added on the 2024-09-23 17:44:42 by immibis immibis
Thanks Gargaj for all the great intros, demos, pouet administration, shader compo frameworks, party organisation frameworks! Always love to meet you in person every 5 or 10 years! Also thanks for extending some deadlines for us for sure ❤️ (heart emoji)
added on the 2024-09-23 17:46:11 by rloaderro rloaderro
But I’m never going to forget that thing when you told me to roll those Hungarian fire chillies in my palms. Still burns!
added on the 2024-09-23 17:47:30 by rloaderro rloaderro
One day I’ll strike back with a box of boiled potatoes. Here roll these.. greetings from the north!
added on the 2024-09-23 17:51:18 by rloaderro rloaderro
Analogue has last posted on the BBS in 2017, so I take it, that they are no longer active, and there will be no administrators, and pouet.net will cease to exist, and Gargaj would like to take zero responsibility for this outcome.

It's analogue's site, gargaj was just maintaining it, after taking over from ps. If analogue no longer cares about pouet, that's up to him. This kind of hostility towards gargaj is the reason he's leaving, so well done I guess.
added on the 2024-09-23 18:06:14 by okkie okkie
Analogue has last posted on the BBS in 2017, so I take it, that they are no longer active, and there will be no administrators, and pouet.net will cease to exist, and Gargaj would like to take zero responsibility for this outcome.

"...and I'll look down and whisper, "No." "
added on the 2024-09-23 18:22:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
and Gargaj would like to take zero responsibility for this outcome.

You just proved Gargaj's point. Congrats I suppose.
added on the 2024-09-23 18:29:31 by keops keops
This is why you need a mod team. It’s not just dividing the work, but having a community where one can vent about idiot users, before politely handling their bullshit.
added on the 2024-09-23 18:44:35 by sauli sauli
Analogue has last posted on the BBS in 2017, so I take it, that they are no longer active, and there will be no administrators, and pouet.net will cease to exist, and Gargaj would like to take zero responsibility for this outcome.

Are you willing to join the admins and actually work on a future for this website, or do you simply think you are entitled to have a Pouet handed to you every day?
added on the 2024-09-23 18:57:22 by jobe jobe
For what it's worth, I'll be on that mod team, but only if it's a team, with decent tools at its disposal, and enough people so that no one on the team, not me or anyone else, needs to grind themselves to a pulp with the workload.
added on the 2024-09-23 19:05:26 by jobe jobe
I'd volunteer as a mod as well. The community has shown that a CoC would be necessary as well.
added on the 2024-09-23 19:16:35 by Preacher Preacher
The community has shown that a CoC would be necessary as well.

I guess that would be for the mod team to decide then.
added on the 2024-09-23 19:48:13 by v3nom v3nom
The community has shown that a CoC would be necessary as well.

Or maybe we could try to build some psychological resilience together! This could involve things like promoting mindfulness, meditation and nonviolent communication.

Ban a bunch of incel losers

Surely a good idea but how to oversee the performance of our users?
It's only me, but I've always given for granted that now and then it's physiological to have shitposts in BBS or oneliner? I thought it was one of the strenght of pouet: sometimes super interesting threads, sometimes flamewars, sometimes off-topic BS... Why has everything to be clean and tidy? Of course, I'm not talking about illegal stuff, but the management of misconduct by certain users. But... is an idiotic oneliner such a big deal? Feeding trolls with attention is their best reward, ignore them and they will look somewhere else...

And, what jobe said.
added on the 2024-09-23 21:07:38 by soolta soolta
about 1/3 of the posts here actually don't help, but only demonstrate the various problems with communication on this site. how about y'all stop shitposting and think three times before commenting something. that's about the only thing that would help the state of affairs.
added on the 2024-09-23 21:30:13 by dipswitch dipswitch
