
Evoke 2024 | August 16 – 18 | Cologne, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
No need to go to such extremes, a normal 320x200/256 (13h) VGA mode is already 70Hz... Just saying. My scalers/video capture chain can probably support more resolutions and in a way more flexible fashion than your average VGA card can churn out, but you're welcome trying. It will 100% end up as a 50 or 60Hz video file tho', with zero regrets. ;) (For now... Who knows what the future brings in this tech.)

kb, did the 2nd beamer at the kuschelstufen support 50Hz too? I seem to recall that that one had ... various issues?
added on the 2024-09-02 13:32:25 by Charlie Charlie
Yes, all of the projectors and screens in the hall and outside support 50Hz, and all of them got the same signal.

Fun fact: The input stages of those Panasonic projectors are so good I once connected a C64 directly through an old, shoddy composite (!) cable, and the result was incredible. Looked like fresh out of an emulator. No noise, no color fringing, perfect 50.1Hz. Too bad this probably wouldn't be the case when you'd have to make the cable 50m long :D
added on the 2024-09-02 17:56:48 by kb_ kb_
…he thought, that fateful night COMPOSITE OVER SINGLE-MODE FIBER was unleashed upon the world
added on the 2024-09-02 23:30:43 by Sesse Sesse
Isn't that just basically Laserdisc
added on the 2024-09-02 23:46:25 by kb_ kb_
any chance for the seminars to be edited and available other then on twitch? like either on youtube or even just archived on scene.org? there were some disconnections etc that really makes things hard to follow / link to on twitch. would be nice if the seminars would be better preserved and easier to share.
added on the 2024-09-03 01:15:07 by psenough psenough
Seminars are in progress ✅
added on the 2024-09-04 01:08:23 by darya darya
Seminars are in progress ✅
Are they?
added on the 2024-10-20 00:10:23 by SiR SiR
Hello everyone.

Some things sometimes take a little longer. But finally the semiar-recordings are released!!

Check them out:

A Beginner’s Guide to Picotron, Preparing your 3D Models for realtime use, Procedural Geometry on the Gpu, Evoke 2024 Panel Talk: Inclusion matters.
added on the 2025-01-23 15:16:23 by nodepond nodepond
