How did you use your prizemoney? Any stories to share?
category: general [glöplog]
Bought new GPU's, Kawai K4R, new audiocard..
Any euros I win go into the euros pile to be used next time I got to Europe for a demoparty.
Honestly, I've never won anything, but I did buy the motherboard that Kusma won at Asm06, and the cpu that Smash won at the same party.
I got the parts for basically "nothing" (well, I did pay money, but nowhere near what it was worth in stores)
Was my daily driver for many years after that, and even became a former colleagues minecraft server for quite a few years following that.
I got the parts for basically "nothing" (well, I did pay money, but nowhere near what it was worth in stores)
Was my daily driver for many years after that, and even became a former colleagues minecraft server for quite a few years following that.
I went to Evoke 2013 by my tiny motobike (arrived for prevoke night) from a bit north of Hamburg, got 3rd place in the animation compo and used the prize money for the gas for the way back. Then had a stuck piston in the Elbtunnel (and was luckily able to roll out of that thing), then had to push the bike to the next rest/service station all night after the guy on the emergency call box told me i can't join ADAC with a motobike and getting me off the Autobahn will be 2*200 + 100 per 30 minutes to the destination + 100 every 30 minutes it's on the truck until i've paid everything in cash and then wished me lots of fun pushing the bike and hung up.
Wait. It was 2012. Not 2013.
Anyone else who managed to win the same item more than once? :)
sort of, i handed out a can of lidl soup as prize to the same person twice after they left it on their table after the prizegiving. in the same vein, i handed out a broken monitor to someone who left it at the party the next year.
lol at winning back the same prize several times! Cursed items of the demoscene
Strange demoscene prizes (not won by me, but rememberable nonetheless):
- 1 isolated popcorn
- Signed duvet cover from last year
- 80s Porn playing cards
- A pair of trousers (allegedly)
- 80s porn VHS
- Guns n Roses cassette
... Several IDEFix/Buddha controllers
Strange demoscene prizes (not won by me, but rememberable nonetheless):
- 1 isolated popcorn
- Signed duvet cover from last year
- 80s Porn playing cards
- A pair of trousers (allegedly)
- 80s porn VHS
- Guns n Roses cassette
... Several IDEFix/Buddha controllers
All more useful than the Assembly fingerprint scanner.
- a 500ml can of minestrone soup ... and i don't even like minestrone!
We won candy and some christian literature once. IIRC at Altparty they gave moose antlers to some "fortunate" compo winner. At one Vammala Party if you weren't present at the prize giving ceremony you were given an obligatory C-64 tape drive (untested) in addition to the actual prize. One guy got three at least.
Most prizes were trophies, certificates, gifts & goods, food (especially the tum 2oo2 tons of candy chocolate or the Bünzli schoggi & maple bag was amazing) and drinks (the outstanding outline fanta cans).
However, I once unexpectedly got a #1 easter party prize worth hundreds of bucks which was immediately converted to a bunch of free beer crates at same years evoke.
However, I once unexpectedly got a #1 easter party prize worth hundreds of bucks which was immediately converted to a bunch of free beer crates at same years evoke.
I haven't won anything, but I've definitely helped with prizes. 🙂
I made the prizes for Kindergarden 2014, @party 2014, TRSAC 2015, and Solskogen 2019. I hope people enjoyed those.
I also recall sending @party 2015 some arbitrary cool stuff to use as prizes. No idea what happened other than someone got them.
And in 2017 I gave Revision some bottle openers I specially engraved for all Shader Showdown participants.
I also know I made some key fobs for like @party and Revision staff I think? and a few special bottle openers for Boozembly (that arrived afterwards, unfortunately).
I made the prizes for Kindergarden 2014, @party 2014, TRSAC 2015, and Solskogen 2019. I hope people enjoyed those.
I also recall sending @party 2015 some arbitrary cool stuff to use as prizes. No idea what happened other than someone got them.
And in 2017 I gave Revision some bottle openers I specially engraved for all Shader Showdown participants.
I also know I made some key fobs for like @party and Revision staff I think? and a few special bottle openers for Boozembly (that arrived afterwards, unfortunately).
I'll take it! Well, not if it's past the "best buy" date. 😄by post malone
- a 500ml can of minestrone soup ... and i don't even like minestrone!
Wasn't maali, was it? 😄by havoc
sort of, i handed out a can of lidl soup as prize to the same person twice after they left it on their table after the prizegiving. in the same vein, i handed out a broken monitor to someone who left it at the party the next year.
Food, merch and beer.
no comment :)
I usually leave my prizemoney in an envelope at Blueberry's house, and then it randomly appears when we see each other sometimes, and gets spent in Spain.
I also know I made some key fobs for like @party and Revision staff I think?
I have an engraved clear square keyfob and lasered "Just Revision"-themed leather patches from you IIRC. Thanks again :)
Won an Renoise license once and have been buying them ever since. Also ditched all my DAWs in favor of Renoise, never looked back and released my first physical 12" record made entirely with that tracker <3
The rest of the stuff I won I normally just put up for display.
The rest of the stuff I won I normally just put up for display.
Sharing a story for a friend...
When mog^trbl and the others involved made the invitation for Deadline 2018 it made the second place at Evoke 2018 demo compo winning a price money of 500,- €.
Instead of using it for anyting mundane mog invested it to rent a vacation home in the Harz Mountains for a demo making "boot camp".
This endeavour not only resulted in the demo ‘Porter’, which took second place at TRSAC 2018, but also in precious memories of an unforgettable long weekend full of creativity, fun, great conversations, legendary barbecues and one night watching shooting stars.
When mog^trbl and the others involved made the invitation for Deadline 2018 it made the second place at Evoke 2018 demo compo winning a price money of 500,- €.
Instead of using it for anyting mundane mog invested it to rent a vacation home in the Harz Mountains for a demo making "boot camp".
This endeavour not only resulted in the demo ‘Porter’, which took second place at TRSAC 2018, but also in precious memories of an unforgettable long weekend full of creativity, fun, great conversations, legendary barbecues and one night watching shooting stars.
I never won shit. Always runner up of the runner up or worse. I won a big-ass cool monitor at Ambience 2000, a golden duck (which my dad threw out, the f*cking asshole!) at TRSAC 2001 and after that: nothing.
I can code, but as a democoder I'm a complete failure. Oh maybe we won something at Scene Even 2002 or... I don't know.
Congratulations to all of you who did win. On the other hand, even if it was as much as a couple thou, it's still a hobby right? And you're not exactly in it to make a profit because you just won't.
However, without the loving support of so many of you I did manage to have somewhat of a career that paid for my housing, my food, my hobbies and so forth. Add the few really good friendships to it and that's more payment than any competition prize would ever mean to me.
Thank you.
I can code, but as a democoder I'm a complete failure. Oh maybe we won something at Scene Even 2002 or... I don't know.
Congratulations to all of you who did win. On the other hand, even if it was as much as a couple thou, it's still a hobby right? And you're not exactly in it to make a profit because you just won't.
However, without the loving support of so many of you I did manage to have somewhat of a career that paid for my housing, my food, my hobbies and so forth. Add the few really good friendships to it and that's more payment than any competition prize would ever mean to me.
Thank you.
However, without the loving support of so many of you I did manage to have somewhat of a career that paid for my housing, my food, my hobbies and so forth. Add the few really good friendships to it and that's more payment than any competition prize would ever mean to me.
Thank you.
Meaning to say that as a high school dropout, the demosceners have taught me more and gave me more opportunities than school (and sure, that's on me and my inability to deal with - certainly at that point - social situations, being forced knowledge I wasn't interested in at all) ever did, without this club of people I would be selling HDMI cables 5 days a week.
without this club of people I would be selling HDMI cables 5 days a week. musicians of your groups
…selling HDMI cables 5 days a week.
Well, this doesn’t sound bad at all.
I never won any prize money, but I still have a Sound Blaster 16 clone I won in 1999, at a raytrace compo.