
Assembly Summer 2024 - August 1-4 2024

category: parties [glöplog]
Summer Assembly is back for the 31st time! On the first day of August, a four-day festival of gaming, digital art, cosplay, good vibes and community kicks off at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre. During the summer, Assembly expands to its largest scale and has been carrying the torch as Finland's biggest computer and LAN event for decades.

Demoscene competitions are hereby announced: https://assembly.org/en/events/summer24/program/demoscene-competitions
added on the 2024-03-28 23:52:24 by T-101 T-101
This year we will have a few new compo categories namely:

* Beginner demo!

Rules will be coming out SOON. See you this summer!
added on the 2024-03-31 11:53:36 by mayor mayor
When will the oldskool/demoscene computer places be available?
added on the 2024-04-02 16:45:54 by fragment fragment
Coming this year too. My first Assembly was twenty years ago!
added on the 2024-04-03 16:18:47 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
As the rules for our Tracked Music compo were missing from our website (sorry about that). Now they have been fixed to the webiste. And for your convenience they are listen below:


The tracked music compo will be held at the Scene Lounge, and has different file formats than the other music competitions.
* Maximum size: 1 MB (1048576 bytes)
* Maximum length: 3 minutes, if your song is longer the song will be faded out after 3min.
* Maximum amount of channels you can use is eight (8).
* If your song loops, the song will be faded out after the first loop
* Allowed formats: MOD, S3M, XM and IT
* Please provide a recording of your entry in MP3 (256kbps or higher), OGG (256kbps or higher) or WAV format.
* Entries will be played in Trackmeister (https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=95663) with following settings:
* MOD: No Interpolation, No Ramping, 50% Stereo Separation, normal MOD playback mode.
* S3M/XM/IT: Sinc Interpolation, Sensitive Ramping, 50% Stereo Separation.
* All entries must be 100% original and unreleased.
* No remixes, no copyrighted material.
* If you are using Creative Commons or Public Domain material, state so in your entry form and cite the source! Do not forget to give credit where credit is due!!
* Remote entries are ALLOWED!
added on the 2024-06-20 16:02:18 by mayor mayor
I'm sorry to inform that the 8-bit & 16 bit and 32-bit & 64-bit oldskool demo competitions will be combined even if we would get enough entries for having them as separate. This is so because the prizes need to be ordered beforehand and separate compos haven't been so popular in the past. Otherwise the oldskool rules are the same as they have been in the last couple of years. Sorry for your inconvenience and late notice.

You can read the rules for compos here: https://assembly.org/events/summer24/en/demo-competition-rules

Hoping to see good oldskool demo compo this year too!
added on the 2024-06-25 20:09:10 by codise codise
2 weeks and 2 days and the real party begins. Are your demos ready? 8)
added on the 2024-07-16 10:18:51 by deepr deepr
2 weeks and 2 days and the real party begins. Are your demos ready? 8)

It's only a real party when deepr partycodes most of the party :)
added on the 2024-07-16 10:27:30 by waffle waffle
"Nähää asepyllyil"
added on the 2024-07-16 10:31:10 by leGend leGend
“Oldskool hardware in the 8-bit & 16-bit & 32-bit & 64-bit era” has to be the best short platform description I've seen :-)
added on the 2024-07-19 17:10:32 by Sesse Sesse
Still waiting for that 128-bit era to come
added on the 2024-07-19 17:52:09 by leGend leGend
Bit by bit!
added on the 2024-07-20 17:40:01 by deepr deepr

The following competitions are NOW open for you to remotely submit your entry:

1k Intro
4k intro
Beginner Demo
Game Development (Deadline today Friday 27th at 17:00 CET)
Fantasy console
Oldskool Demo

Listening music
Tracked music
Dance music

Short film
Real Wild

Rules, timetable and deadlines can be found at: https://assembly.org/en/events/summer24/program/demoscene-competitions

added on the 2024-07-26 11:15:11 by mayor mayor
The deadline for Game Development is on Friday 26th! NOT 27TH. Whoopsie :)
added on the 2024-07-26 11:48:15 by mayor mayor
Please note that Listening and Dance music competitions will not accept remote entries. We apologize for any confusion caused by their inclusion on the remote entries list. To participate in these competitions, you must be onsite and have a ticket.

Due to the high volume of entries we usually receive for these competitions, a preselection process is required. You must have a valid ticket to participate.
added on the 2024-07-26 12:17:35 by mayor mayor
What time the oldschool demo compo recordings are? I've sent an email almost two weeks about something else to oldskool-contact and haven't received a message back so I assume this is the fastest way to get an answer. Cheers.
added on the 2024-07-30 16:51:20 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
maybe try IRC or Discord

(#scenelounge at IRCnet for IRC, for Discord link check that contact page)
Haven’t used IRC for 5 years soon. But I’ll try Discord.
added on the 2024-07-30 17:42:55 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Recording times are internal information and subject to change. Which is why we don't announce them. As a general rule, recordings may start right after deadline and may end right before the compo.
added on the 2024-07-30 21:12:05 by T-101 T-101
I've sent an email almost two weeks about something else to oldskool-contact and haven't received a message back so I assume this is the fastest way to get an answer. Cheers.

also btw, I can see that you have sent one (1) email to that queue this whole year. your previous email there was roughly three years ago. this new one was unrelated to competition recording times and it was answered today before you wrote here. so cheers.
added on the 2024-07-30 21:48:15 by T-101 T-101
iit was answered today before you wrote here. so cheers.

You have the wrong time zone in one of the services :) but yes thank you.
added on the 2024-07-30 22:23:51 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
A reminder for everyone: deadline for Oldskool Demo is tomorrow at 9:00am EEST and Short Film at 12:00am EEST . You can participate in both compos remotely via http://scene.assembly.org/
added on the 2024-07-31 19:36:02 by mayor mayor
Thanks for the orgas

Here's my list of constructive downers for this year:
-Again a lot of noise at the demostage (especially during tracker music and oldskool demo compos). Was there less noise when the scenelounge was near the main area?
-Two showings at graphics and photo competitions was a waste of time and gave bad vibes
-Boozedrome's late streaming at the demostage and Skrolli stand seemed to interest almost no one and it worked just as a noise pollution. Boozedrome itself is good but somehow this restreaming didn't work.
-Music entries just made the AI compo worse
*near the main stage
... catching up on the Compo Studios.

Note for the orgas: Look into lapel mics for everyone going to talk on stage :p
added on the 2024-08-04 13:40:13 by p01 p01
