lator is lame
category: general [glöplog]
Post 100 ! :)
raver stated he wanted to fuck lator
no, that phrase was something i wanted to recommend as a new slogan for bypass.
bypass already has a slogan: "we make demos for people without functioning heart or brain" :)
latorre you will be assfucked at boozembly if u dare to come ahahahahahaahah
i will be there, but iam not into finish demoscene culture ;-)
Thanks for feeding the troll while I was away macaw. ;)
peggy: in case you're devoid of a brain, the converstation was over as far as I was concerned. If you really wish to continue pissing in the wind, why don't we continue this conversation irl? I won't bring a shovel (promise).
Best bets are Buenzli, Evoke or possibly a Bier Bij meeting. Love to meet you in person.
peggy: in case you're devoid of a brain, the converstation was over as far as I was concerned. If you really wish to continue pissing in the wind, why don't we continue this conversation irl? I won't bring a shovel (promise).
Best bets are Buenzli, Evoke or possibly a Bier Bij meeting. Love to meet you in person.
stefan, beware of the friendly finns..
oh and like there's either heart and/or intelligence involved in the process of making a 'dxm production (tm)' ?
oh and like there's either heart and/or intelligence involved in the process of making a 'dxm production (tm)' ?
Shifter: I know you have noticed severall times how stupid it is to piss in the wind, and if you want to meet me in "irl" (lol) so come to assm.. And if you brought a shovel, it would only serve the purpose so dig your own grave =P
watch it or ill let go off my plek-in-a-leech <TM>
i wanna see THAT

shovel present.
Just as we all thought this was a redundant post, Lator showed us why pushing is the answer.
Isn't it time someone thinks up a banning/deleting policy for Back when I was as mature as Lator could possibly be while posting at (I bet he'll be a bit less of an ass if some guy would give up principles and be his boyfriend), our BBS got disconnected from CDN for about a millipercent of the shit he's pulling off here.
Just as we all thought this was a redundant post, Lator showed us why pushing is the answer.
Isn't it time someone thinks up a banning/deleting policy for Back when I was as mature as Lator could possibly be while posting at (I bet he'll be a bit less of an ass if some guy would give up principles and be his boyfriend), our BBS got disconnected from CDN for about a millipercent of the shit he's pulling off here.
Who is lator? why is he lame? and who stole my brain
happy birthday stefan
Lator gave me booze so he rules.
i rule because i have own threads on pouet
don't you forget it stefan! I'll buy you a beer next time.
Keep this thread alive so that it doesn't get removed from the front page on pouet.
make a top-10 demo called "lator is lame" and you'll see it for some time in the front page. stop this shit and produce!
Yeah... (to the no... I mean..)
no. no to the yeah. and a to the b!
big up to stefancrs