Amiga Demoscene Music - First Minutes
category: music [glöplog]
Are you a purist or something?
As long as ignorant people call everyone that doesn’t like bloat, superflous excess (of data production, energy production, waste, so on) a “purist”, We’re gonna continue racing on this path of unnecessary environmental degradation and self destruction. One would think that especially this here niche (the demoscene) and especially the “oldschool” part of it should be aware of this. The oldschool part of the demoscene that likes to be “close to the metal” tends to detest bloat. Why take few kb sized demos and make them into mbytes worth of HD video? As if our internet is not already bloated and congested by all this streaming video.
Forgive me for quoting myself:
Oh, but no, I see that I’ll in fact get trashed by the guy I was careful not to alienate or put down, just for innocently stating my opinion. How wrong is that?
that’s just my (very) personal opinion, I’d never trash the people that create, upload or consume these.
Oh, but no, I see that I’ll in fact get trashed by the guy I was careful not to alienate or put down, just for innocently stating my opinion. How wrong is that?
Re-assessing this situation, I've come to the conclusion that this project has been a complete conflict of interest, and is a failure for many reasons that I never even considered. I took my own collection of Demoscene prods and made these videos for YouTube which is public broadcast to millions, which I shouldn't have uploaded for many reasons:
1. The one-minute cut-off for each prod
2. The audio only, no in-prod footage
3. Only the first minute of audio is played
4. One screenshot to represent the prod
5. Exhibiting other peoples' work without permission
6. As some have said, lack of specific credits for the musicians involved
I have a feeling I have stepped on many toes in the last two days and have generated a lot of bafflement, incredulity and criticism, so I can only apologise for being so inconsiderate about the whole situation, and I will soon remove the videos from YouTube.
1. The one-minute cut-off for each prod
2. The audio only, no in-prod footage
3. Only the first minute of audio is played
4. One screenshot to represent the prod
5. Exhibiting other peoples' work without permission
6. As some have said, lack of specific credits for the musicians involved
I have a feeling I have stepped on many toes in the last two days and have generated a lot of bafflement, incredulity and criticism, so I can only apologise for being so inconsiderate about the whole situation, and I will soon remove the videos from YouTube.
Why take few kb sized demos and make them into mbytes worth of HD video?
If that bothers you enough to tell other people how they should watch "kb sized demos", why don't you work on a solution that makes it as convenient as watching recordings on Youtube? Remember to include seeking.
I’m not telling anyone anything, as I said (twice) I’m just expressing my opinion. Here’s another personal opinion: If you want to watch “kb sized demos” maybe watch them either on real hardware or in an emulator. If your ADHD is advanced to the point that you need everything to be “convenient” so you can have skipping, seeking, and whatnot, maybe rather go watch I don’t know, TikTok challenge videos, cat insta videos and Gangnam Style music videos, and abandon demos altogether. So why “work on a solution” if there is no real problem.
I'll watch them however I like, thank you very much. I'm not the one who has a problem with the current situation, so if you don't have a more sensible response to my suggestion than "you watch Tiktok", I guess we're done.
Well, please please excuse me for stating my opinion. I literally stated that it was just a personal opinion, a taste, however you want it put. 3 times. Maybe even 4. Yet you come and tell me "I'll watch however I like", and proceed to inform me that "I have a problem with the current situation". After I literally stated that "I see no problem". Take it easy, holster your weapon freedom fighter, no one is curtailing your freedoms to watch whatever and however you like.
I don't have a more sensible response to your original suggestion because: (1) I lack imagination and knowledge to make it happen (work on a solution that makes it as convenient as watching recordings on Youtube) and (2) As I said (and repeated, and here it is for the 3rd time): I see no problem.
I don't have a more sensible response to your original suggestion because: (1) I lack imagination and knowledge to make it happen (work on a solution that makes it as convenient as watching recordings on Youtube) and (2) As I said (and repeated, and here it is for the 3rd time): I see no problem.
and I will soon remove the videos from YouTube.
Or I might not, just yet. I'd like to hear more feedback. It seems the views are rising faster than expected, more publicity for these prods.
just rename it to "Amiga demoscene soundtracks for people with ADD"
Well, please please excuse me for stating my opinion.
well if you choose to attack and offend people by stating "your opinion" you have to be able to cope with the reactions that will cause.
and yes, calling people lazy, consumerist, ignorant and what they do superfluous is not just stating an opinion, so come down from your high horse.
I’m not whining because I’m unable to “cope with reaction” as you falsely imply. The “reaction” seems misplaced to me. Because it’s reacting to something that was not said. I’m for the fifth time now saying (feeling more than a little ridiculous) that I’m not telling people how they should or should not go about their habits. I sincerely pointed out what I think about those habits, but somehow got accused of trying to effect those habits. What are you saying exactly? Do I need to shut up, keep my opinion to myself? So as not to be perceived as “attacking and offending” people? Saying that I am of the opinion that YouTube recordings of small demos are superfluous bloat and that it’s a lazy/consumerist way of consumption of those demos, especially in a somewhat “alternative” setting such as this, all while clearly (and literally) stating that I by no means intend to trash anyone involved is somehow perceived as “attacking and offending” people? Clap clap!
By the way, do tell me, what are your personal thoughts on consumption of small demos as YouTube video recordings, furtherly and unnecessarily tying in this non-commercial and alternative scene in with one of the worst corporate monopoly behemoths? Increasing the overall superfluous data/media bloat? Should we abandon the original files altogether and leave it to Google to maintain a video museum of the demoscene? Because, it sure seems more convenient. I’ll leave the ever increasing amount of water datacenters consume and inflation of the monopolists might for some other discussion.
4gentE: at this point it's logical a moderator would point you to the third paragraph of
As long as ignorant people call everyone that doesn’t like bloat, superflous excess (of data production, energy production, waste, so on) a “purist”, We’re gonna continue racing on this path of unnecessary environmental degradation and self destruction. One would think that especially this here niche (the demoscene) and especially the “oldschool” part of it should be aware of this. The oldschool part of the demoscene that likes to be “close to the metal” tends to detest bloat. Why take few kb sized demos and make them into mbytes worth of HD video? As if our internet is not already bloated and congested by all this streaming video.
I see no problem.
Glad we cleared that up!
I'll watch them however I like, thank you very much.
How mature. Cringe. I keep imagining a bratty yet resolute Karen’s 12 year old female voice to express that sentence. Try it, it’s fun, sounds something like “nyay nyach nyem nyoh nyenyer nyay njayk, nyayknyu nyenyi nyach”.
At this point you'd probably benefit a lot from touching grass a bit.
In his defence, that's a pretty funny post. :D
Saying that I am of the opinion that YouTube recordings of small demos are superfluous bloat and that it’s a lazy/consumerist way of consumption of those demos, especially in a somewhat “alternative” setting such as this, all while clearly (and literally) stating that I by no means intend to trash anyone involved is somehow perceived as “attacking and offending” people? Clap clap!
Quote:I'll watch them however I like, thank you very much.
How mature. Cringe. I keep imagining a bratty yet resolute Karen’s 12 year old female voice to express that sentence. Try it, it’s fun, sounds something like “nyay nyach nyem nyoh nyenyer nyay njayk, nyayknyu nyenyi nyach”.
It's like saying "I don't intent to hurt anyone", while going around with a baseball bat and randomly hitting people.
If that bothers you enough to tell other people how they should watch "kb sized demos", why don't you work on a solution that makes it as convenient as watching recordings on Youtube? Remember to include seeking.
I would love that (integrated with Pouët, plz!), but
a) It would necessarily involve emulators, who some seem to hate even more than videos, and
b) Even if you accepted emulators, and somehow managed to integrate seeking (a set of savestates, one would assume, perhaps combined with fast-forwarding), I do fear that it would be hard to find web-embeddable (WASM?) emulators that everyone could agree on for each platform.
In short, it would be really cool, but a lot of work and require a very thick skin. :-)
I question why anything here should be "convenient" in the first place. Did anybody ask for this service? For me as an artist this is grossly disrespectful, and I'd wish that all productions I have contributed to would be excluded.
I think the convenience is fine, but captures should not be uploaded to things like YT but rather non-commercial things like Demozoo (they can host videos, can't they?) or similar instead.

Did anybody ask for this service?
No, it's just an example of what those who dislike videos could do about it instead of complaining.
Well they certainky can express their disgust when being asked, and issue takedowns on Youtube. What else should be necessary?