
Pouet's most "controversial" prods (rulez and sucks)

category: general [glöplog]
"Divisive is something or someone that causes disagreement or antagonism between people (for example in Britain, Brexit) It is about causing division and separation. Controversial is also someone or something that causes disagreement or debate, but is not about causing division."

Controversial seems to be the nicer term here. =)
added on the 2024-04-16 08:19:51 by Krill Krill
Seeing the topic I was expecting to see a list of all the nazi-prods on pouet.
It's hardly controversial when everybody agrees that it sucks. =)
added on the 2024-04-16 08:54:56 by Krill Krill
far right is just mainstream European politics these days, so it's not controversial
added on the 2024-04-16 16:56:00 by nosfe nosfe
Rob is Jarig: Love it or Loathe it.
Same for TVNoise, Epic Realtime, Bad Apple,...
added on the 2024-04-18 01:16:09 by T$ T$
Why would you loathe Rob being congratulated?
added on the 2024-04-18 12:04:32 by sagacity sagacity
Yeah, why?
added on the 2024-04-18 14:33:27 by Rob Rob
rob: gefeliciflapstaart hè!
added on the 2024-04-18 14:36:11 by havoc havoc
added on the 2024-04-18 16:17:53 by okkie okkie
Rob is Jarig isn't controversial. It's an institution.
added on the 2024-04-18 16:49:44 by Frost Frost
Is yet another port of STNICCC, Bad Apple or remaster of Second Reality kinda?
added on the 2024-04-18 19:47:17 by Optimus Optimus
This for sure
added on the 2024-04-19 12:38:47 by nytrik nytrik
added on the 2024-04-19 12:38:56 by nytrik nytrik
Checked a few demos in OP - that was not what I thought of from the title. I think depending on the event and the blood alcohol, there will always be room for some 'topical', zany, humorous, or bad-taste demo to win. If it was fresh at the time and gave the audience a good laugh this is understandable.

I think the Demoscene is very much about doing a lot with little, so for me preparing something for replay on a performance-limited computer is controversial, because if we support it we don't support doing a lot with little. This was too much for the Spectrum scene, while the C64 scene doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

It came early on A500 as well (1990), but then something happened; accelerators came, and with those, multiple golden ages competing with the also accelerating PC. Since a few years it's back on A500, and I don't see it with kind eyes.

I always see it as cheating and a shortcut, like using AI graphics for which you can't take credit, or (as was sometimes the case for demos that competed and won) just grabbing the best song swapped to you and reuse it in your demo without permission. Would we let AI gfx compete in gfx compos? We used to care about copy/no copy, even if hand-drawn copy. If we preselect AI gfx in gfx compos, we should preselect demos using them also in demo compos?

I reflect that it's remarkably easy for me to ignore this for cheat prods on non-absolute-fave platforms, even though I know their performance limitations. I want to say hi, nice one, thumb up to my friends but that's not good either. Then it becomes a club of back-slapping buddies, and then the Demoscene can't claim anything remotely near a culture, or even to be different from other clubs in any way.
added on the 2024-04-19 19:47:48 by Photon Photon
The kevin demo comes to mind reading the title. Then again depending on the expoch a demo was released, it could be controversial for its time and then unanimously praised later on. :)
added on the 2024-05-04 09:22:14 by Defiance Defiance
Demoscene is a weird place, I remember a prod for Amiga that cracked a last place on revision 2023 in its category.

This one https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=94174

That was funny. I managed to contact its author to ask more about this prod. A proper demoscener with his dedicated e-mail server. We have a nice conversation, he explained to me, how exactly he come up with this tough sphincter bass line tembre. He was absolutely serious.

I did put a like on it, just to cheer the author for his unusualness, maybe I was wrong about it.
added on the 2024-05-04 19:31:40 by nikhotmsk nikhotmsk
