
AI crap in compo entries?

category: general [glöplog]
Ummmm it might sound like a pixelart school project, but for cases where craft is the more important, orgaz could supply a number of pictures (say, 2? 3?) and then it's up to the participants to decide what to do with them. Someone could single one out just to create the pixel version of it. An other might opt to do a collage before pixeling over it. Others may subtract or add, or distort. Or, pretty much whatever one might fancy or imagine.

So, by having a common starting point, it should be easier to judge who took the subject further/better/whatever-else.

Actually, this sounds very interesting as an experiment, as you could have a 'retouch, rethink, remake this classic demoscene picture/demo snapshot' type of compo. Both in oldschool and newschool branches I believe.
before implementing that policy, think about whether that would actually deter genAI use or not. and consider it was the fox who told you how to secure the hen house.
added on the 2024-04-06 13:32:37 by wayfinder wayfinder
"Come down, the pixel artists will not go extinct". Rejoice:
They must have stopped training at material from 1988 or so. Pics are very oldskool, and uh, fugly. No current C-64 pixel artist should be scared (just yet).

if you like what you see there, wouldn't one be forgiven to think that it seems like you have a beef with pixel artists in general?
Dunno how you got that idea, and how that would relate to my opinion of generative AI output.
added on the 2024-04-06 14:10:05 by Krill Krill
Dunno how you got that idea, and how that would relate to my opinion of generative AI output.

Forget it, it's just my weird way of banalizing things, going for the extreme.

My take was - the decision whether to pixel by hand or use (a more advanced version of) an AI generator should be on the pixeler. Oh, but it gets slippery. See, if a certain speed and aesthetic gets set by heavy AI usage by some "artists", then the same will come to be expected of masters too. It becomes a rat-race. So you end up forcing the pixel masters to work in a way they perhaps don't like at all. Maybe they'd rather, you know, paint and pixel instead of type prompts. Some drop out. I don't know if my way of saying this makes sense. AI generator is an industrial tool, made for volume and speed. Demoscene is a manufacture heavily leaning on artisanry. Think how fast fashion squeezed out hand made clothes. I can predict what some will say - there are still clothes being made by hand today. EXACTLY! This (demoscene) is the exact place to cherish handicraft.
added on the 2024-04-06 14:26:47 by 4gentE 4gentE
AI generator is an industrial tool

In fact it's not a tool in a classical sense at all, that's what I repeat all the time like I was retarded, but you get my point...
added on the 2024-04-06 14:29:24 by 4gentE 4gentE
The deal is a masterpiece in its due time, or cheap shovelware drivel in no time.
I think this still holds. :)

And i think no democrew in their right mind would prefer the latter over a new masterpiece once it's ready.
added on the 2024-04-06 14:46:28 by Krill Krill
the perpetrators already spent more time and effort in this thread defending the use of AI in their amiga demo than in actually making content for said amiga demo, chapeau!
added on the 2024-04-06 15:17:03 by el mal el mal
before implementing that policy, think about whether that would actually deter genAI use or not. and consider it was the fox who told you how to secure the hen house.
It might also reduce the number of submissions (and not because AI jockeys are deterred), and few parties besides Revision may want to affort that.
added on the 2024-04-06 15:28:22 by Krill Krill
Trying to push out generative AI by putting more pressure on people is probably a very bad idea.
added on the 2024-04-06 17:34:56 by Frost Frost
^ listen to frost
added on the 2024-04-06 17:37:10 by bifat bifat
"Come down, the pixel artists will not go extinct". Rejoice:

Hey, that's a nice LoRA! No. I don't think that tool will destroy the C64 pixel-art scene. On the contrary, it will make it even stronger.

By the way, for future Toxic Modulo issues, Greippi should try this nice Jay Miner generator. It was created by Iolo/Compofillers so it could be considered a demotool. :]
added on the 2024-04-06 17:42:57 by ham ham
I don't think that tool will destroy the C64 pixel-art scene

Your optimism is nice. And also irrelevant. My pessimism too. Irrelevant. All I want is to hear how real C64 pixel artists feel about this. That should be the only relevant thing. Currently, we heard from The Sarge.
added on the 2024-04-06 18:05:47 by 4gentE 4gentE
I saw Ego Bots again just now for the first time since the stream and I have to agree, the whole production is just... off. I can imagine that AI was used to composite portions of the cartoon panels together as a lot of it looks generic, but surely someone created the superhero character and the robots, right? Or was that AI too? The plot in the speech bubbles surely sounds random and all over the place, so that must've been an AI concoction, and I believe it is.

As for the music, I didn't like it much, sounded very compressed and repetitive. I gave the whole prod a thumb up as I loved the technique used to add more colours to the 16 available in hi-res interlaced on an A500 using the copper, which is something I haven't seen much of, except in prods like Elevation and Dandelion, but I think now that I was being very generous, as the rest is very meh.
added on the 2024-04-06 18:06:56 by Foebane72 Foebane72
It’s so nice that you can say what you think of the prod. When I try to do it, parameter by parameter, I get accused of “reiterating”.
added on the 2024-04-06 18:10:17 by 4gentE 4gentE
No. I don't think that tool will destroy the C64 pixel-art scene. On the contrary, it will make it even stronger

Many of them seem to be fond of wisdoms and quotes from the bumper stickers. You know, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Sure. It's sometimes true. However, most of the times, what doesn't kill you, cripples you.

added on the 2024-04-06 18:13:31 by 4gentE 4gentE
All I want is to hear how real C64 pixel artists feel about this. That should be the only relevant thing. Currently, we heard from The Sarge.

You can probably call me a C64 pixel artist.
added on the 2024-04-06 19:03:29 by Frost Frost
Do we need a new word for productions not containing any AI stuff? "Purewet"?, "Allmeat"?, "Onlyhomo"?
How about "Fakeprod"? "Lazyprod"?
added on the 2024-04-06 19:07:46 by Foebane72 Foebane72
How about "lame ass crap"?
added on the 2024-04-06 19:08:03 by Frost Frost
Damn, I misread the question. Of course I mean that productions that contains AI stuff should be called that...
added on the 2024-04-06 19:09:10 by Frost Frost
Do we need a new word for productions not containing any AI stuff? "Purewet"?, "Allmeat"?, "Onlyhomo"?

Those are very good and funny names! However, I think Foebane72 and Frost fine proposals have hit the nail describing much better those kind of prods you mention. :]
added on the 2024-04-06 20:03:00 by ham ham
You can probably call me a C64 pixel artist.

Why of course, and a damn fine one if I may add. From the best group in the universe.
added on the 2024-04-06 20:48:39 by 4gentE 4gentE
new word for productions not containing any AI stuff?
Well played, good sir! *claps* Also this was great. =)

I get accused of “reiterating”
Any criticism on TM2 itself perhaps better go here - it's somewhat less ephemeral, and as it seems, Foebane72 has downgraded their regard for it.
added on the 2024-04-06 23:07:06 by Krill Krill
Reading all this makes me realise all my effort is spent on the wrong audience.

I think I will ask ChatGPT where to post my work in the future.
added on the 2024-04-06 23:38:34 by The_Sarge The_Sarge
The plot in the speech bubbles surely sounds random and all over the place, so that must've been an AI concoction, and I believe it is.
We may never know. A wise man once said, "Making sense is optional." =)

Reading all this makes me realise all my effort is spent on the wrong audience.
But why? It still seems like real human-made art is pretty much unanimously preferred over bot-generated graphics, no?
added on the 2024-04-06 23:52:48 by Krill Krill
