
trying to teach demos/organize demoparties in my university

category: general [glöplog]
For PC demos you just use whatever you want, or can have, so open modplug is cool but many musicians relies on Cubase, Logic, Live or, when you're 100% cool: Renoise.

The name of "open modplug" is actually OpenMPT (its main trumps are that it's a newschoolish tracker type program, developed by sceners, supports also older tracker formats very well and is open)
any recommendations for music software for demos?

I can recommend Sointu very much for sizecoding music. :) It's a modern x87 stack based sizecoding synthesizer.
added on the 2024-03-15 12:02:18 by NR4 NR4
Hmm, isn't Sega Mark III (aka Master System) the national oldskool platform of Brazil? Like Atari XL is Poland's and Speccy clones Russia's. Well, Brazilian sceners will decide this but the country seems to have a special place in their history for Master System.
I'm very happy that someone "new" dares to get in touch and, above all, dares to ask for support.

The answers I have been able to read so far also make me very happy.
You are obviously warmly welcome @weirdessen.
added on the 2024-03-15 13:22:33 by _docd _docd
Instead of trying to exactly copy a European demoparty you should treat it as inspiration but do whatever makes sense for you.

I recommend watching a lot of demos to get the general idea of the (rather narrow) art genre people like in the scene.

In the same way that it might not make sense to copy European demo parties, it could be more interesting to do something outside the narrow definition of European demos.
added on the 2024-03-15 13:46:27 by absence absence
^It feels a bit strange to me to read you think that the definition of demo or the range of preferences are narrow. Aren't demos anything between strict tech demos to animation driven stuff? I thought it's a very wide scope, almost no limits to content, and you can include wild & video compos to stretch it yet further.
I think that although the definition of a demo, and what you are allowed to enter in a demoparty, is quite broad, what get lots of votes might be narrower.
added on the 2024-03-16 17:42:46 by immibis immibis
also, just an idea... algorave is relatively rather popular in the South American computer scene (at least compared to here in Europe)... it's therefore perhaps worthwhile to explore if you can find some of those algorave people in your area/at your uni and see if you can combine efforts regarding realtime computer art.
added on the 2024-03-16 22:08:34 by el mal el mal
Maali making sense? Havent got that on my 2024 bingo.
when i made this post a few days back, i didnt expect this many messages in such a short period of time.
i touched by the reception im having here.
... I'm interested in having demomaking as part of our activities...

Did you already find an answer to this one:
"How can I get people as interested and invested in making demos as myself?"
added on the 2024-03-17 11:45:57 by rp rp
If only I had this back in the days... ;)
added on the 2024-03-17 12:49:14 by Defiance Defiance
If only I had this back in the days... ;)

Please make a final with fixed code before recommending to newcomers, thx :/
added on the 2024-03-17 16:38:19 by NR4 NR4

I did. Noted the stuff that need improvement down, and are to be included in the next release. Still I find it better to recommend than the so called opengl/vulkan tutorials we have been misleading the newcomers to for over a decade now. :/
added on the 2024-03-17 17:09:31 by Defiance Defiance
Still I find it better

That's just your oversized ego and lack of technical knowledge.
added on the 2024-03-17 17:24:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
I could recommend other tools better than mine, if that's really the problem. Thing is that (in some cases) without proper documentation, lack of tutorials on how to use them and lack of a make exe button, any newcomer would lose motivation and just leave/stop experimenting. The answer shouldn't always be visit a demoparty so that other people will show you how to do it now, should it...?
added on the 2024-03-17 17:43:32 by Defiance Defiance
the answer most definitely shouldn't be to always recommend your shitty selfmade turds that have never been used for anything worthwhile over stuff that is actually well thought out and proven to function in the real world. like gargaj said, get your damn ego in check and stop publically masturbating to your own fartfests.
added on the 2024-03-17 18:21:23 by havoc havoc
All in good faith, that is... havoc, gargaj, I feel sorry for both of you.
added on the 2024-03-17 18:28:59 by Defiance Defiance
added on the 2024-03-17 19:30:27 by havoc havoc
lack of tutorials

Hello it's 2024, there are more tutorials to anything than ever before.
lack of a make exe button

Unless you meant the "Build" button in Visual Studio, I feel you have proven that you've fundamentally misunderstood what the demoscene is about.
added on the 2024-03-17 20:21:11 by Gargaj Gargaj
WeirdEssen: Because it is your thread, and because I feel terribly ashamed that it was turned into a shitshow by two people that have personal grudges against me over the years, I will have to say this: You are always welcome to use DemoSystem in any way you like, to experiment, create, etc. It is amateur work as hell, but since I made it, I couldn't feel less proud that I did. For years, I wanted to have a simple engine as a base for my projects, and this came out of my ideas way back in the early 00s (yes I'm that old...). But remember this: don't let others around here discourage you from making something or releasing it, because it is not up to their standards. For me that's what the demoscene is all about. Creativity. That is all I have to say, now you can laugh all you want. I still haven't seen what do YOU suggest to this newcomer, though. Peace.
added on the 2024-03-17 21:57:33 by Defiance Defiance
since I made it, I couldn't feel less proud that I did

You got that right.
added on the 2024-03-17 22:12:50 by Gargaj Gargaj
@Gargaj: Why exactly do you have this fight in a thread of a potential newcomer?
added on the 2024-03-17 22:22:02 by gaspode gaspode
Because potential newcomers shouldn't be allowed to be preyed upon by grifters, and it pains me that noone else seems to see that.
added on the 2024-03-17 22:24:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
